Unlike many of my ilk, I harbor a soft spot in my heart
for a sanctuary city. Truth be told, it’s really more of a dream.
wonderful it would be if there were a sanctuary city for conservatives. A place where wearing a piece of clothing or
carrying a placard saying “Make America Great Again” doesn’t put one at risk of
being sent home from school, mocked, viciously slurred or physically attacked.
A place where saying “All Lives Matter” is considered an obvious truth, and an
appeal for tolerance and unity. A city where diversity of thought is considered
more important than which “identity group” one belongs to. A place where
diversity of thought matters more
than diversity of gender, skin color, or economic status. A place where the
“melting pot” still functions, where “e pluribus unum” isn’t just a motto on a
sanctuary city would be a place where kids still occasionally say, “ma’am” and
“sir.” Where students call their teacher Mr. Smith, Ms. Black or simply
“teacher,” not “Bob,” or “dude.” It would be a place where people frequently
look up from their electronic devices
and into the eyes of those around
them. It would be a place where folks can debate their political differences
over coffee or a beer, but where everyone stands for the National Anthem. It
would be a place where there is universal respect for those who serve, and
especially those who gave all for their countrymen and their country’s ideals.
fictitious dreamland would be a sanctuary for Christians, who are now being
slaughtered around the world and mocked here at home. It would be a place that
is tolerant of a diversity of religions, and of those who are agnostic or
atheist, but where Christians are welcome on college campuses, in large
corporation’s boardrooms, and on film sets. And where organizations such as the
Southern Poverty Law Center don’t label them as members of “hate groups.”
city would be a sanctuary for babies, a celebrant of life. Its citizens would
not call the slaughter of babies up until—or shortly after—the moment of birth
“women’s health care.” Fetal parts would not be bought, sold and traded like
any other commodity.
would be a place where men and women not only respected each other again but
cherished their divinely-ordained differences. Instead of dully pretending we
are all the same, they would appreciatively exclaim “viva la diffĂ©rence!” It
would be a place where romance and chivalry were reborn.
would be a place where people knew their history. They would be taught about
various forms of government and economies—and how they worked out over time.
Its schools would teach students how to think, not what to think. Indoctrination
would be prohibited, imagination would be encouraged. Its inhabitants would
know that Socialism/Marxism/Communism has bankrupted more societies and
destroyed more people—literally and figuratively—than any other economic
“system.” They would know that well over 100 million people have been killed in
the name of equality, and countless millions more have been enslaved and
rendered soulless by this most abhorrent of doctrines. They would know that
eventually you run out of other people’s money, but, before that, you run out
of dignity, self-esteem, motivation, and hope. They would look at Venezuela
today and say, “Not here! Not on our watch!” They would be exposed to the Green
New Deal and…laugh. And laugh and laugh.
would be a place where social justice warrior textbooks would be replaced by
“The 5000 Year Leap” as required reading.
It would be a place where people
understood that not all wisdom is new wisdom, where people appreciated what
came before and respected tradition.
And it would be a place of limited
government-- of, by and for the people—where the rule of law reigned…and
applied to everyone…equally. It would have a thriving free-market economy where
people were free to pursue their dreams and success wasn’t punished. The
concept of Natural Law would be the city’s foundation and sine qua non.
This Sanctuary City On A Hill would
be a place in which both the founders
and Martin Luther King, Jr. would be proud to live.
If such a sanctuary city ever came
into being, those of us in the most persecuted of today’s minority groups could
rise up, extend our hands and say: ”Free at last, free at last…thank God
A’mighty, we’re free (again) at last!”
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