Day after day
they keep coming. In a bizarro world of protean politics, each and every
Democratic candidate for the 2020 presidential election appears to be stranger
than the last. Take John Hickenlooper. Please. The man knowingly took his
mother to “Deep throat,” a hardcore porno movie, when he was 18-years-old. He
thought she might enjoy getting out of the house. He says, though she may have
been mortified, on the car ride home she told him she thought “the lighting was
good.” Hickenlooper, the former governor of Colorado, legalized marijuana
during his tenure in office. He’s not exactly Lincoln, but then he graduated
from Wesleyan University, while Honest Abe was only subjected to one year of
formal schooling.
Andrew Yang also recently threw
his hat into the Democratic rat-race and immediately came out strongly against
that scourge of modern society…circumcision. I don’t personally have any skin
in that game, but, none-the-less, it seems an oddly out of place—and
cutting—remark for someone running for president. Will he also come out
strongly against—or for—breast enhancement? It’s crucial to the survival of our
republic. Who will be the Yin to Yang?
Sen. Kamala Harris of California
recently went out of her way to tell folks about how she used to listen to
Snoop Dogg and Tupac Shakur while smoking pot when she was in college. Unfortunately
for her, she graduated years before either of those “artists” released their
debut albums. And she slept her way to the top.
Kirsten Gillibrand wants to give
illegal aliens social security.
named Pete Buttigieg thinks “intergenerational justice” is a pressing issue. (Many
of these candidates bring to mind Monty Python’s “Very Silly” Party. “I think
one should point out here that in this constituency since the last election a
lot of very
silly people have moved into new housing estates with the result
that a lot of sensible voters have moved further down the road…”).
Joe Biden appears to like fondling
young girls. On camera.
And then there is Beto. As a
younger lad he composed erotic verses about cows. (When he wasn’t busy writing
about running over young kids in an automobile). “Song
of the Cow” contained the immortal lines: “Thrust your hooves up my
analytic passage, Enjoy my fruits. I need a butt-shine right now/You are holy,
o sacred Cow/I thirst for you, Provide Milk.” It also implored Bessie to “breathe
my feet” and “Wax my ass, Scrub my balls.”
When a reporter asked Beto if he could confirm that he once took a
handful of his baby’s green
feces, put it in a bowl, and served it to his wife Amy as “avocados,” he
replied that he didn’t remember that happening, but admitted it “sounds like
the kind of thing I would do.” Come again? If there was ever something for a
politician to lie about, this is it.
After Beto lost to Ted Cruz in a 2018 Texas Senatorial contest, he
hit the road. In New Mexico, the dejected loser ate “regenerative
dirt,” and brought some home to his family. One would think they would be
very leery of eating anything he placed before them.
Not one of these candidates would have had a prayer just a few
years ago. But, after mass illegal immigration, mass indoctrination of young
people by colleges and universities, attempted mass indoctrination of adults by
the mainstream media, Hollywood and entertainment industries, and the all-out
leftist push for total tolerance of deviance but utter, absolute intolerance of
tradition, who knows?
Especially since the Trump-hating media treats most Democratic
candidates as sacred cows.
Just ask Beto O’Rourke.
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