The Week in News
*A panel discussion about free speech on campus at Canada’s
McMaster University was canceled due to student’s and professor’s concerns that
the contents of the discussion could lead to violence, according to The College Fix. The title of the event?
“Tolerating Intolerance.” Life has become a series of Monty Python sketches.
*In an interview with long-time acquaintance Eugenio
Scalfari, Pope Francis allegedly stated that condemned souls just “disappear,”
and that Hell does not really exist. Apparently, the Pontiff has never been to
North Korea. Or sat through an entire Hillary Clinton speech.
*The Omnibus Spending Bill President Trump signed apparently
contains a provision that prevents a border fence from being built on a
five-mile long stretch of the Texas border straddling the Santa Ana National
Wildlife Refuge. The refuge is located at the junction of two major avian
migratory routes, and over half of the 1,000 species of birds known to inhabit
the U.S. have been sighted there at one time or another. How would a 20 to
30-foot-high wall have any effect on bird movements??! Skeptics say illegal aliens will still find a way
over the wall, and they can’t fly. I’m pretty sure there are no ostriches or
emus near the U.S.-Mexico border, and I know there are no penguins nearby. What
else is in this bill?!
*A woman interviewed at the “March for Our Lives” protest in
Washington, D.C., responded to the question of why she’d like to see a ban on
firearms ownership by saying, “A civilian doesn’t need a [gun]—I have face
tattoos. I don’t need to be owning a gun. I’m irresponsible already.” If
progressives don’t like or “need” something, then they automatically believe no
one else should, either. Setting her tyrannical nature aside, she admits she’s
“irresponsible already.” That is correct, Ms., guns don’t make a person
irresponsible, you manage that on your own. But responsible people with guns will help protect you—even from
*An assignment at a middle school in Georgia asked students
to write a letter to Congressmen imploring them to enact stricter gun-control
legislation, The College Fix
reported. One student’s father said the assignment read as follows: “You are
trying to persuade lawmakers to have stricter gun laws to help prevent another
school shooting from taking place. For this assignment, you are writing a
letter to the lawmakers of the United States. The purpose of this letter is to
pressure lawmakers to have stricter gun laws in the United States. Your letter
should contain at least five complete sentences. Make sure that you use proper
grammatical skills when writing your letter.” According to the course
description, the social studies class issuing the assignment was supposed to
teach kids about life on the continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa, etc. Well,
open-ended learning can come later, if there’s time. An opportunity for
state-sponsored, taxpayer-funded indoctrination takes priority.
*NBC (online) headline: “Trump wants to get tough on Russia
without angering Putin.” Seriously? Come on! That’s impossible. They are
mutually exclusive. Does NBC somehow believe Putin won’t notice or care about
Trump’s “tough” actions regarding the country he leads? Obviously, he does
notice and care as he’s responded vehemently. That even those at the network
aren’t laughing at their bias is unsettling. Would they have run the headline,
“FDR wants to get tough on Germany without angering Hitler” in World War II?
Unbelievable. So-called professional mainstream journalists and their media
outlets are everywhere embarrassing themselves…with embarrassing frequency.
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