Sunday, March 4, 2018

The "War On Poverty" Revisited

                 If a person graduates from high school, gets a job, and eventually gets married--and is not an addict—it is literally virtually impossible for that person to be poor in the United States. And the vast majority of those officially considered “poor” in the U.S. own a smart-phone and more than one television. None of them are in imminent danger of starving to death.
                The federal government alone runs more than 80 welfare programs that provide cash, food, housing and medical care to low-income Americans. Federal and state spending on these programs in 2017 was $943 billion. That figure does not include Social Security, Medicare or Unemployment Insurance payouts. In fact, if the figure were converted entirely into cash, current means-tested spending is several times what’s needed to completely eliminate all poverty in the U.S.
                LBJ’s federal government launched the “War on Poverty” over 50 years ago. Since then, Uncle Sam has spent $22 trillion in an attempt to eradicate poverty. Try to comprehend that. Twenty-two trillion dollars. The Daily Signal notes that, “If you laid a trillion $1 bills end to end, they would reach the sun. Now multiply that by 22. That’s enough for 11 round trips.” It is more than the vast majority of countries have spent, period, in their existence.
                What was the result of this war?
                Uncle Sam lost. Big.
According to recently released Census Bureau figures, the nation’s poverty rate is now 14.5%, virtually identical to what is was in 1967, at the beginning of the “war.” Talk about “bang for your buck!” and “return on investment!” We would have been equally well off if we’d shredded all that cash for use in confetti cannons. And think of the opportunity cost. What if we’d used all or some of it for defense spending or infrastructure improvement? Hell, we could’ve taken a paltry $2 trillion of that and given every man and woman over 18 in the country $10,000 to go to a casino and bet on red. Speaking of red, what if we’d actually paid off the bleeping debt, which currently stands at about $21 trillion, $1 trillion less than the $22 trillion we’ve spent on what really is a “War on Destructive Decision-making?”
At the end of the Obama administration, more people were on food stamps than ever before in American history. Nearly one-third of American families receive some form of government “benefit.” Formerly illicit drugs are being legalized in many states and localities. Church attendance is down. The elites in academia, entertainment, big business and the media openly--and incessantly-- mock Christ and Christianity. And now several Christian denominations are essentially doing the same thing.
Fifty years ago, seven percent of children were born out of wedlock. Today 41% are.  We’ve attempted to outsource our personal responsibility to an outside entity. As if that were possible. And, we don’t wish to acknowledge the consequences. We hate consequences. Consequences are not very tolerant.
Leastwise, not as tolerant as we are.

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