is a new ad campaign encouraging adults to consume marijuana, albeit responsibly and in states where it is
legal. To that end, there is a billboard in Denver, Colorado that states “Don’t
let a candy bar ruin your vacation. With edibles, start low and go slow.” Below
the message is “consume”
who apparently sponsored the billboard or at least was partly responsible for this ‘public-service’
message. Notice that the message isn’t “Don’t
smoke pot/do drugs/put toxins into your body/lungs” etc. (Many people have gotten sick from ingesting pot-infused candybars and other "foodstuffs").
Can you
imagine if this campaign were for regular old tobacco… cigarettes? Let’s say
there were billboards in North Carolina stating “Don’t let a carton ruin your
vacation. With cigarettes start low
and go slow.” And then “Consume”.
(Hilariously or tragically, depending on your perspective, many of the same
people who bash cigarettes and cigarette smoking are okay with smoking pot.
Incredibly, a few who advocate banning
the sale of cigarettes lobby for the legalization
of marijuana. Beam me up, Scotty).
the response to the ads be any different? Or should I say, would there be a
response… to the cigarette ad? You know there would be… an absolute outcry.
(‘Big tobacco’ would be massacred for starters). Both are bad, but marijuana is
an order of magnitude worse whether
we are talking about toxins absorbed by the users body or long-term affects on
the brain- and ambition- of said user. I never smoked it, but a few friends did
when I was growing up. They spent many fruitful hours on the couch several
summers watching soap operas for hours at a time. (They used to like to fish
and water-ski and just be physically active and alive).
How does one “consume cigarettes responsibly” let alone marijuana? Dude, I don’t know.
Go ask
Mary. When she’s ten feet tall.
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