Saturday, March 4, 2023

Wind Turbines Collapsing...Like Faith In The Biden Administration


Wind turbines are failing—collapsing—around the world. In recent months and years, turbines in Oklahoma, Colorado, Sweden, and Germany have collapsed. According to a report in Bloomberg, all three of the major manufacturers say that the race to create ever bigger turbines has resulted in manufacturing issues.

Siemens has experienced quality control issues, Vestas has seen project delays and quality challenges, and GE has seen an increase in warranty costs and repairs. Supply chain issues and fluctuating material pricing hasn’t helped, either.

A number of the turbines that have been collapsing around the world have been more than 750 feet tall. The tallest thus far, 784 feet high, fell in Germany in September 2021. This means the turbines are (were) taller than the Space Needle in Seattle and the Washington Monument. Even the shorter turbines that have tumbled to the ground recently were roughly the height of the Statue of Liberty.

Some of the newer turbines stretch to a height exceeding 850 feet and possess blades 300 feet long.  It is true that the bigger the turbine, the more energy it can capture. However, it is also true that the bigger the turbine, the farther it has to fall. And the more likely it is to do so. Imagine what happens to even a smaller turbine’s surroundings when it collapses, and its 12,000-pound blades hit the ground!

Turbines are collapsing. Food processing plants are being destroyed. Egg farms are burning.   Trains are derailing. Spy balloons are overhead, ubiquitous. Inflation and crime are rampant. Our southern border…doesn’t exist. We’ve got a little war going on in Ukraine. Russia is threatening to use nuclear weapons. China is ready to attack Taiwan.

What does the Biden administration have to say about all of this?

This: “Nothing to see here! Everything’s good and getting better! If we can just keep Trump and his supporters out of office, all will be eternally well!”

It is past time for the American people to tell the Biden administration: “You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, we say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go.”

If we don’t do so, we will all be left twisting in the wind.





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