Thursday, September 1, 2022

Atlanta Area School Board Inserting Hidden Gender Indoctrination Messages Into Young Students Chromebooks


Gwinnett County Public Schools, the largest school district in Georgia, is reportedly now adding gender propaganda to its curriculum. According to Holly Terei, Gwinnett County chapter president of No Left Turn in Education, the district, just outside of Atlanta, is placing “inappropriate gender lessons” on school-issued Chromebooks. “Lessons” that parents can't access when logging into their children’s accounts on other devices.

Ms. Terei discovered the objectionable content on the Chromebook that the school issued to her child.

A No Left Turn in Education Press release stated, “One e-book on the fourth-grade page claims that gender is a social construct ‘not based on anything biological or medical.’ It dismisses the differences between men and women as figments of societal imagination.”

Terei then discovered that she couldn't access the content when she logged in to her child’s school account on her own laptop. Instead, the site directed her to an additional login page. She couldn't access the content on her own device even while using the schools Wi-Fi. Terei told PJ Media that she was eventually able to access the content on her computer in a roundabout way that wouldn't be easy for most parents to accomplish. She said, “Gwinnett County schools are pushing gender lessons on kids and hiding it from their parents. This is a brazen attempt to supplant the role of parents in their children's lives. Nothing in the content is educational. It does not serve students, it serves the political goals of bureaucrats.”

If progressives don’t succeed in aborting kids, they tell them that gender is just a figment of bad people’s imaginations. And then they groom them.

If a person chooses to have his penis lopped off because he thinks it is just a figment of societal imagination, then the boobs he is attaching to his chest are, too, so what’s the point? Both are equally moot. As is that person’s sense of reason.

Of course, there is literally nothing more biologically and medically based than our sex/gender. No penis, vagina, fallopian tube, scrotum, or set of boobies is a figment of societal imagination. Yet, ironically, the belief that one can change one’s sex/gender as easily as one can change one’s underwear is a figment of one’s—and societal—imagination.

Another thing that isn’t a figment of societal imagination is the fact that many school boards and teachers’ unions pose an existential threat to our children, and therefore, ultimately, to America itself.





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