Saturday, September 24, 2022

Biden Administration Pressuring FBI To "Find" Crimes Committed By Political Opponents


Several current and former members of the Federal Bureau of Investigation have come forward recently to tell the Washington Times that the Biden administration is pressuring FBI agents to “find” crimes that justify President Joe Biden’s repulsive characterization of conservatives and Trump supporters (“MAGA Republicans”) as “domestic terrorists” and “semi-fascists.” The allegations follow Biden’s infamous “Battle for the Soul of the Nation” diatribe rant speech, delivered ironically at Philadelphia’s Independence Hall, in which he demonized roughly half the nation as threats to “the very foundations of our republic.”

This attempted weaponization of the FBI is, of course, itself a threat to the very foundations of the republic and is part and parcel with Biden’s recent fascistic rhetoric and his—or his handler’s-- selection of a backdrop for the Philadelphia speech that might have made Hitler blush. The blood red (and yet very dark) set was outlandishly intimidating and authoritarian. In fact, it looked like something out of the Third Reich or Dante’s Inferno. Or a combination of the two. And Biden has the gall to slander his political opponents by calling them “semi-fascists!”

Projection and gaslighting are now Democrats’ two favorite tactics. This, combined with worship of the LGBTQ community and abortion—and hatred of capitalism, traditional values, and their political opponents—is all they have. So, they practice them incessantly. (Too many low information voters—as well as highly indoctrinated college graduates-- fall prey to these tactics and mindless obsessions.)

Unfortunately, this is not the first time an administration has used a government agency to target its political opponents. (See also the IRS scandal, etc.) This is, however, the first time a president has used multiple (FBI, DOJ, CIA, DOD, etc.) government agencies to target his political opponents and their supporters—while also viciously and publicly smearing them via a speech to the nation.

Biden’s unhinged and unglued attack on nearly half of his country’s citizens is unhelpful, undignified, and unprecedented. Blaming MAGA Republicans for his—and his nation’s—ills is eerily reminiscent of Nazis scapegoating the Jews. That he has instructed the FBI, et. al., to go after his opponents and their supporters is truly chilling.

One might even say it is a threat to “the very foundations of our republic.”

And, in this case, one would be right.



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