Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) recently took to the floor of the United States Senate to tell an ugly, bold-faced lie. He began his virtue-signaling bloviation by stating: "The first African Americans sent into the English colonies came to Point Comfort in 1619. They were slaves, they had been captured against their will, but they landed in colonies that didn't have slavery — there were no laws about slavery in the colonies at that time.” He babbled on a bit before arriving at what he thought would be a blockbuster observation: "The United States didn't inherit slavery from anybody. We created it.”
That is an assertion so preposterous
it would be laughable in saner times. This is akin to Al Gore saying he
invented the internet. Or pants. Kaine didn’t inherit that prevarication, he
created it. Out of whole cloth. He must know that’s not true, or he’s even more
ignorant than dishonest. He was simply trying to ingratiate himself with those
attempting to destroy the country. I mean, what is an elected representative
Democrats and media-corporate elites are
in the process of fomenting an all-out race war and are using groups largely
composed of young people who were “educated” in public schools to do their
dirty work for them. These hapless, discontent youths were taught that slavery
was invented by white American colonists circa 1619.
The truth is that many warring Native
American tribes enslaved their captured foes long before the arrival of the
white man. But slavery goes back many thousands of years before that.
To 6800 B.C., in fact,
when the world’s first city-state emerged in Mesopotamia. Land ownership
squabbles combined with early stages of “technology” led to wars in which
enemies were captured and put to forced labor. In 2575 B.C., or
thereabouts, Egyptians captured slaves by sending special expeditions up the
Nile River. Temple art celebrated the raids. In 550 B.C., the powerful
city-state of Athens utilized up to 30,000 slaves in its silver mines alone.
Roman military campaigns circa 120
A.D. captured slaves by the thousands. Some historians estimate that the
population of Rome was more than half slave. In 500 A.D., Anglo-Saxon
invaders enslaved native Britons by the boatload. By the year 1000 A.D., a mere
619 years (or 20 generations) before slaves arrived on the shores of what would
eventually become the United States, slavery was a common practice in rural
England, aiding its agrarian economy. In the late 14th century, in
the aftermath of the Black Plague, Europe’s slave trade was thriving in
response to the resulting labor shortages. People from across Europe, the
Middle East and North Africa were forced into labor.
Cuba didn’t abolish slavery until 1886.
Brazil didn’t until 1888. The League of Nations didn’t adopt a convention
abolishing slavery until 1926, six years after its founding. Its replacement,
the United Nations, didn’t get around to adopting the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights prohibiting slavery until 1948.
Even today, slavery in one form or
another is practiced in South Sudan, Mauritania, Afghanistan, the Central
African Republic, Burundi, Eritrea and the worker’s paradise of North Korea. In
the latter two nations, roughly 100 out of every 1,000 people are functionally
enslaved, or approximately ten percent.
No people have the right to enslave
any other. Slavery is evil. Period.
Nor are we supposed to bear false
witness. Citizens should be able to expect their elected representatives to
tell them the truth.
Apparently, however, this is something
of which Kaine is not able.
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