“Today @CoryBooker crossed the U.S. border from Juarez to El
Paso, to help escort
5 asylum-seekers and try to prevent them from being sent back to Mexico.”
So read
the recent tweet from Sabrina Singh, national press secretary for the Booker
campaign, who added, “Out of concern for the asylum-seekers safety, we did not
make this event public until now.” How noble.
continued: “Cory was able to observe the crossing, interactions with federal
immigration authorities, and see the disastrous impact of President Trump’s
cruel immigration policy.” Could she see the staggeringly detrimental affects
of unlimited, unregulated immigration on America and its citizens?
told reporters he believed the quintet’s asylum claims were legitimate, due to
their fears of violence. So, a U.S. presidential candidate sneaks illegal
aliens into his country in open defiance of his nation’s immigration policies
and the edict of the its current president, and then uses the action to
illustrate his woke-ness and compassion? Staging an illegal border incursion for
your personal virtue-signaling gain is a bizarre campaign ploy. Booker should
be in jail for aiding and abetting a crime, if not for outright treason. (Though,
to be fair, the Senator is prone to grandiose visions of himself and may
believe his actions in illegally delivering migrants across the Rio Grande were
akin to Washington crossing the Delaware in defense of his young country).
Beto O’Rourke campaigns in Mexico. For the 2020 U.S. presidential
election. Now “Spartacus” Booker acts as a “coyote” by sneaking a group of
illegals across the border. What’s next? Will Elizabeth Warren be assisting
sex-traffickers? Will Julian Castro volunteer to drive trucks laden with
opioids, marijuana and cocaine across the border? And have his press secretary
send out virtue-signaling tweets about his exploits once he’s safely across?
“Today @JulianCastro crossed the
U.S. border from Chula Vista to Nogales, to help escort numerous kilos of
vulnerable undocumented narcotics and try to prevent them from being sent back
to Mexico. Out of concern for the drugs’ safety, we did not make this event
public until now. Julian was able to see the disastrous impact of President
Trump’s cruel anti-drug policy that deprives needy addicts of the peace and
contentment they so richly deserve.”
It’s a good thing Rep. (D-Minn.)
Ilhan Omar isn’t running for president. “Today @IlhanOmar crossed the U.S.
border from Juarez to El Paso, to help escort two ISIS cells and try to prevent
them from being sent back to Mexico…” Maybe in 2028.
Democrats are just that crazy.
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