News Items
*Joe Biden recently appeared on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” (a
show not named for him). The former vice-president and current Democratic
front-runner for the 2020 nomination was asked if he was tough enough to stand
up to President Trump should he prevail over his Democratic counterparts, a
pertinent question given his feeble performance in the first democratic debate.
Sleepy Joe replied, “I’d say, ‘C’mon Donald, c’mon man. How
many push-ups do you want to do here, pal?’” Ooh, challenging Trump to a push-up contest!
That’s telling off the doubters! That’s firing a shot over The Donald’s bow!
Let’s hope this inspires other candidates to new heights of
competitiveness. Who wouldn’t love to see Bernie Sanders challenge Elizabeth
Warren to a shot-putting contest? Or Pete Buttigieg challenge Kamala Harris to
a game of “Quarters?”
*Replying to President Trump’s recent tweets about radical,
young, female, Democratic Congresspersons like Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Rep.
Alexandria Occasional-Cortex (D-N.Y.) exclaimed that America “belongs
to everyone.” If her open-borders policies were implemented, that would
literally be true.
What if everyone in the world had the “right” to live
in Albania, Peru, Norway, Indonesia, Kenya, Japan, Australia, China, or
*The pro-abortion panel at this year’s Netroots Nation
conference attempted to demonstrate an abortion onstage-- using
a watermelon-- in order to make the case that non-physicians should be allowed
to perform them. The annual gathering of progressive activists was moderated by
Daily Show co-creator Lizz Winstead, who is also the head of the
Abortion Access Front, previously known as the Lady Parts Justice League. (Can’t
say ‘lady parts’ anymore. Insufficiently inclusive). Jen Moore, an abortion
facility consultant, used a cannula and manual vacuum aspirator to extract the
core from a watermelon, with the core supposedly representing a baby and the
melon a uterus. One panelist said the demonstration showed that abortion is
“not surgery” and is “easy to do,” and thus proved that advanced-practice
clinicians, nurse practitioners, and physician’s assistants should be allowed
to perform them in addition to OB/GYNs. Why not let janitors sanitation
engineers perform abortions, as well? Or a barista? The pizza delivery guy? A bus
driver? Uncle Phil?
What happened to liberal’s traditional demands that abortion
be taken out of the hands of those unqualified and be made safe and
*A recent study by researchers from Johns Hopkins University,
Stony Brook University, the University of California-Berkeley, and the
University of California-San Francisco “found the risk of premature birth was
higher than expected” among Latinas since President Trump’s election in 2016,
according to the Washington Post. Alison Gemmill, the survey’s lead researcher,
said the inquiry “follows other studies that suggest
a link to Trump.” Trump is responsible for Latina’s premature births?
Maybe the little ones are so inspired by the country’s all-time-low rate of Hispanic
unemployment that they just can’t wait to get started in life. Or maybe
university researchers are full of the stuff that fills a baby’s diapers.
Right on!