Saturday, June 29, 2019

Elizabeth Warren Celebrates Birthday At Planned Parenthood Event

            Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) found the perfect place to celebrate her birthday: at an event sponsored by the world’s largest abortion provider. Warren, aka “Pocahontas,” observed the anniversary of her birth while attending a Planned Parenthood Action Fund event dedicated to expanding women’s “right” to kill their babies.
The soiree  was called “We Decide: 2020 Electoral Membership Forum,” and was described as “an event where Planned Parenthood Action Fund members and 20 presidential candidates will come together to take on tough questions about the candidates’ plans to protect and expand access to reproductive health care—including access to safe, legal abortion.”
I’m sure the questions were really tough, given the fact that they pertained to “reproductive health care.” Who is against health care? And given the fact that the event description only listed the candidates’ plans to “protect and expand access” to it. There were no candidates attending that were going to question Planned Parenthood and its mission in any way, shape or form. Group think has seized the Democratic Party in a vise-like grip.
Warren proclaimed to the attendees: “What better way to celebrate my birthday than right here with Planned Parenthood?”
Today’s Democrats are mind-bendingly stupid and/or staggeringly hypocritical and/or just plain evil. Period. I am a fervent believer in free speech, but that remark literally makes me sick.
You nailed it, Lizzie. What better way, indeed?
What better way to celebrate one’s wedding anniversary than at a law office specializing in divorce cases? What better way to celebrate abstinence than at an orgy? “What better way to celebrate Hanukkah than right here at Dachau?”
What better way to ruin the country than to elect Warren or one of the other 19 twisted morons attending Planned Parenthood’s “We Decide” forum?

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