Old News
Canadian journalist John Ibbitson and political
scientist Darrell Bricker have just come out with a new book titled “Empty
Planet” in which they claim that Earth’s population will start dropping in roughly 30 years. What’s more,
they claim that, once it does, “it will never end.” At least until we do. The
brace of Canucks re-examined existing forecasting models and believe that previous
predictions of an insupportably overpopulated globe are totally in error. The duo
cite continuing urbanization and an increasingly educated female population as a
couple of the factors leading to their surprising conclusion. Soon we’ll be
hearing warnings of “global cooling” again. And perhaps a latter-day Rachel
Carson will write a book warning us of an imminent “Overly Raucous Spring.”
Connecticut State Rep. Jillian Gilchrest
recently introduced a bill that would raise the Constitution State’s tax
on ammunition by 50% across the board, a measure that, ironically, would be
unconstitutional. None-the-less, Gilchrest said: “We see this as a public
health measure, similar to what we’ve done in the state of Connecticut with
increasing the tax on cigarettes. When we increase the tax, we’ve seen a
reduction in use.” Yes, a good public health measure always makes it more
expensive for the poor, weak, infirm and elderly to defend themselves. Killing
babies is “women’s health care.” Gender reassignment surgery is “healthcare.”
Legalizing marijuana equals “healthcare.” Taxing ammunition? Healthcare! Fossil
fuel energy that allows billions of human beings to survive in extreme cold and
heat? Existential danger to the planet and ultimately ourselves! Being on the
same campus where a conservative speaker may be espousing traditional values?
Danger to mental health!
CNN’s Van Jones was having none of President
Trump’s State of the Union Address call for unity and bipartisanship in the
moments after Trump’s speech. The host of the cleverly named Van Jones Show characterized the
president’s oration as “a psychotically incoherent speech with cookies and dog poop.” That line itself is
psychotically incoherent and actually
contains the words “cookies and dog
poop,” which Trump’s speech did not. VJ also said, “He tries to put together in
the same speech these warm, kind things about humanitarianism and caring about
children. At the same time he is demonizing people who are immigrants.” That
statement is simply a bald-faced lie. The president clearly emphasized that he
approves of legal immigration. In
fact, he stated “I want more legal immigration than ever before.” This is not
hard, Mr. Jones. Trump was not demonizing immigrants. “Illegal immigration” is
a two-word phrase. Since Trump went
out of his way to state his belief that legal immigrants are often beneficial
to the country, the only possibility left is that it is the “illegal” part he
dislikes, not “immigrants.” But Van Jones’ ass-hattery knows no bounds. And his speech is filled with falsehoods and
Ø An
English woman was recently arrested for “mis-gendering,” i.e. calling a man who
wishes to be a woman a “man.” What’s next, will we be arrested for calling
abortion “abortion” rather than “women’s health care?” For referring to
“taxation” instead of “revenue enhancement?” For using the term “Islamic
terrorism” instead of “workplace violence” or “insurgency?” Perhaps for saying
“arrested” instead of “temporarily detained for positive re-education?”
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