Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is in the news again. This time for
being utterly astounded—gob-smacked even—by her garbage disposal, further
strengthening her reputation as the most clueless human in congress. (Sadly,
this may make her more representative
of many of her Millennial constituents).
young New York Democrat recently posted a video of herself exploring her
swanky—or, as she termed it, “bougie”-- new apartment in D.C. The Instagram
footage captures AOC standing near her sink and saying: “Okay everyone, I need
your help because I just moved into this apartment a few months ago and I just
flipped a switch (she flips switch) and it made that noise and it scared the
daylights out of me.” She added, “I am told this is a garbage disposal. I’ve
never seen a garbage disposal. I never had one in any place I’ve ever lived. It
is terrifying. I don’t know what it’s for, or what its purpose is. Like,
food scraps? Like, is this environmentally sound?” Nice try. Now tell us the
one about the three bears. I’m betting she’s at least seen one on television,
in the movies, or on various platforms of social media. But that would weaken
her bid to burnish her “woe was me, a poor little marginalized female minority
growing up on the wrong side of the tracks” credentials. It’s odd she knows it
is called a “garbage disposal” yet claims to have no idea what it is or what
“its purpose is.” Is it “environmentally sound?” We know she is not mentally sound.
until she discovers her refrigerator, microwave or pizza cutter!
Green-New-Deal-promoting radical ignoramus took some gentle ribbing on Twitter
for the post, and, as is her wont, took offense and fired back at her
tormentors, tweeting: “I grew up seeing how the zip code one is born in
determines much of their opportunity. Your attempt to strip me of my family, my
story, my home, and my identity is exemplary of how scared you are of the power
of all four of those things.” If she thinks the zip code one was born in determines one’s opportunity, that’s far
more “terrifying” than a garbage disposal. No one is trying to strip Ms.
Occasional-Cortex of her story or identity. No one is scared of them, either.
Girl Wonder later posed the age-old question: “Is this what
social mobility is? Using kitchen appliances you never saw growing up?” Actually,
AOC, perhaps social mobility is being elected to high office (even though you
probably can’t spell the term).
fact that someone like Ocasio-Cortez could be elected is proof positive that
her claims of being deprived, marginalized and discriminated against are so
much garbage. If AOC really wants to serve the public, she should stuff those
claims into her newly discovered garbage disposal……and
flip the switch again.
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