President Trump pardoned
a turkey recently, continuing a holiday-season presidential tradition
dating back to George H.W. Bush. The following is a short list of human turkeys, none of whom should be
pardoned this—or any other—season. From this list, I’ll select a
“Turkey-of-the-Year” winner. Full disclosure: I’m stealing appropriating
borrowing this concept from a local sportswriter of some repute.
there are too many eminently qualified candidates to mention, these few have
arguably stood out as the dumbest, most pathetic, hypocritical and flatly
unlikable people of 2018:
Snipes. As overseer, Ms. Snipes has botched so many election counts and
recounts in Florida’s Broward County that it is impossible to discern whether
she is incredibly incompetent or cosmically corrupt.
Fortunately, she resigned after the latest fiasco.
Rodham Clinton. Nothing more needs be said.
Flake. This moron, a swamp RINO if there ever was one, has done his best to
discredit President Trump, Justice Kavanaugh, everyone who voted for Trump, and
everyone who approved Kavanaugh’s nomination, thereby discrediting himself.
Ocasio-Cortez. Yes, even though she won her race, she becomes not only the
youngest member of Congress ever, but the dumbest. She can’t even identify the
three branches of government, one of which she’ll soon be in. (Teaser: separate
post to follow soon).
people of Minnesota. These clowns elected an alleged serial harasser of women,
Keith Ellison, who, during the Kavanaugh hearings, said that all women should
be believed, yet who called the claims against himself crazy. Ellison wasn’t
the only Muslim Minnesotan’s elected. They put Ilhan Omar into office, as well,
even though the Somali-born lady is an anti-Semite and allegedly married her
brother. Oh well. All branches of the North Star state’s government are now
controlled by “progressives.” Minnesota has nearly achieved Supreme Soviet
levels of Marxist harmony.
Avenatti. Avenatti appeared out of nowhere, sued the president and lost, caused
his client to be ordered to pay punitive fees, managed to destroy the career of
a reasonably attractive, busty porn star, made preposterous claims against
Brett Kavanaugh who is now a member of the Supreme Court of the United States, was
recently booked on domestic
abuse charges himself (and released) and still threatened to run for
president in 2020. Oh, and the law firm he works for has been evicted from its
offices for non-payment of rent.
And the
winner is………Michael Avenatti! A true turkey if ever there was one!
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