recent nbcnews.com article chronicled the increasingly common practice of
American parents raising their children “outside traditional gender
norms.” This doesn’t just entail letting
boys and girls play with the same toys or wear the same clothes. That is old
hat, traditional. These parents do not reveal the sex of their children to
anyone. Not even their children. Ever.
post says that, though the kids “are aware of their own body parts and how they
may differ from others,” they “are not taught to associate those body parts
with being a boy or a girl.” What could be less relevant? “If no one knows a child’s sex, these
parents theorize, the child can’t be pigeonholed into gender stereotypes.” (I
don’t like the word “pigeonholed.” I think it pigeonholes both pigeons and
holes. It’s nothing more than stereotypical stereotyping).
In the
past few years, some couples in the U.S. and Canada have raised their
offspring, typically given names like “Storm” and “Zoomer,” without gender
designation. I have an idea. If you’re not going to “assign” a gender to your
child at birth, DON’T “ASSIGN” IT A NAME, EITHER! Let it pick that, too, for
the love of God. Do we really think it’s a good thing to have, say, a
12-year-old meet someone and state: “Hi, I’m Zoomer and I have a penis but
don’t associate it with any particular gender or behavior?”
What are these progressive parents calling
their little ones? “Theybies.” As in, “This is my theyby, isn’t they cute?!”
Theybies, babies, scabies, rabies…..it’s all the same. Progressives hold
vagueness and imprecision in high regard.
article stated that Christia Spears Brown, a developmental psychologist,
believes “research suggests gender is largely influenced by a child’s
environment.” She must not have children. Is race largely determined by
environment, too? Experts also claim that boy’s and girl’s brains are virtually
indistinguishable at birth. Which is a meaningless observation. Other parts of
them are clearly distinguishable at birth, thank God. No one is claiming that
boys are smarter than girls or vice-versa.
Let’s stay on point here experts. The article states that experts do agree, however, that “girls tend to
speak a few months earlier than boys, though it’s not understood why.” It did not point out that they keep talking and talking and……just kidding,
gals. Put down the pitchforks.
added: “But in general, the differences get larger as kids get older, which
really suggests that it’s society and culture that are shaping the differences
that we see—not innate differences from birth.” Actually, it really suggests
she’s an idiot. What else gets larger when the children get older, Dr. Brown?
Their genitalia. And, in the case of girls—and Michael Moore—their breasts.
Ever hear of hormones?
also said parents can “explain to their children that there is more than one
way to be a boy or girl.” Just as there is more than one way to be black or
Some of
the parents who have assigned a non-binary gender to their innocent kids say
they wish to encourage them to explore and determine where they fall in their
own time. No guidance, no pressure. Explore early and often. No taboos!
Dennis, one of the parents referenced in the piece, has a 5-month-old theybe
named Sparrow, and said he is careful to describe Sparrow with both masculine
and feminine adjectives. He said, “I just call my baby ‘beautiful’ and ‘pretty’
and ‘handsome’ and ‘strong,’ back and forth, I’ll use both, and I’ll compliment
different manifestations of personality traits.” That certainly won’t be
added, “In my opinion, assigning your child a gender and giving them
gender-coded lessons their whole life is much more coercive than what we do.”
Sorry, Dennis. Gender is assigned by the One Great Author, not by you, your
partner, or the doctor or nurse that delivered your child. Attempting to deny
that is coercive. Why don’t we also
let our kids decide what their race and ethnicity are? And, why stop there? Why
not let them determine their age and species, too?
0.6 percent of adults in the United States identify as transgender. The
Facebook page for those with “theybies” has less than 300 followers. A Facebook
page for blonde, lesbian Muslim nude-beach aficionados would have more
don’t be surprised if, when you next ask a pregnant woman what she’s having,
she replies: “a theybe, if I decide to keep it.”
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