C-I-S. Cis. As in cisgender. “Referring or
relating to people whose sense of personal identity and gender corresponds with
their birth sex.” Cis is a meaningless term/add-on. Why not say
ciscisgender or cisciscisgender? It wouldn’t make any damn difference. It would
do nothing but make the word longer. It would simply be affirming or
reaffirming or re-reaffirming what already is, verifying the meaning the word
already holds and conveys.
Why not
speak of cislesbians or cisbisexuals? Cisgender is the opposite of transgender,
but the cis is irrelevant, moot, much like Nancy Pelosi. “Sexism” in itself is
enough. Sexism is sexism, is it not?
have now been sullied by words like cissexism: “Prejudice or discrimination
against transgender people.” And cisnormativity: “The view that all people are
cissexual, i.e. have a gender identity that is the same as their biological
Why not
take this to its illogical conclusion and say “cistransgender?”
like to add a few more new words to the lexicon: “cisidiocy” (something notably
stupid or foolish) and “cisdepravity,” (the view that depravity is now
normative, mainstreamed) among them.
How do I identify you might well ask yourself,
but probably didn’t? I guess you could call me “cisquestioning.”
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