I have had it with how obnoxiously, in-your-face “proud”
many sexual-orientation and gender-confused fringe groups have become lately. Everyone but heterosexuals in a
committed marriage is openly, blatantly, stupendously “PROUD!” of their
particular quirk and group. Equality under the law is one thing, but demanding
to be elevated and worshipped for one’s personal kink is entirely another.
Hickman, Vice Mayor of Dixon, California, recently called for a “Straight Pride American Month,”……prompting
many to call for his immediate resignation. Why can’t straight people be proud?
I mean, we are responsible for creating human life, including the lives of
those in the LGBTQ community. What is so wrong with that?
We just
celebrated gay pride month. Lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders, the
questioning, etc., are all swelled up with pride. Can’t the rest of us feel
good about ourselves, too?
day one hears and reads about people—or their relatives—who are PROUD! of their
proclivities. So proud, they just can’t keep it to themselves. We hear fathers
say, “My daughter was incorrectly assigned a male gender at birth, but she
identifies as a female now. And, she is a
lesbian! I am so proud of her!”
Or, “My son screws goats. I’m fairly bursting with pride! Up the ass. I
Couldn’t be any prouder! Some people talk about ‘getting one’s goat’…my son
actually does. Truly, so proud!” Perhaps, “My daughter is one of seven wives.
She lives in Utah. Her husband showers her with affection one night a week.
I’ve never been prouder!” How about, “My mom masturbates three times a day,
every day. That’s so cool. She does it while watching dwarf incest porn. And, like,
I’m so proud! I really don’t think I could be any prouder!”
going to have to add on to the LGBTQIIAA acronym. It is not nearly inclusive
enough. How about LGBTQIIAABPM? Who wouldn’t be PROUD! of that?
we all know there’s one group of people who not only shouldn’t be allowed to be
proud, but should be (and are) ritually and permanently shamed, shunned and
threatened: Trump supporters. They
are sick. We know this in part by how many folks say they’d rather their son or
daughter dated a gang-rapist/Satan worshipper/mass-murderer/Llama than a Trump
supporters? Shameful. Everyone else? Pass the lube.
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