NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, for those of
you in college) opened its vast and lavish new headquarters last year, a
building that was being constructed even as countries such as England slashed
their defense budgets. The immense and showy edifice, located in Brussels,
Belgium, cost $1.23 billion to erect. Upon completion, NATO proudly published
photographs of the structure, noting that it would facilitate bureaucratic
President Trump’s attendance at the
recent NATO Summit raised the visibility of the ostentatious building,
especially as he was trying to convince other member nations to spend less time
suckling on the American teat-- by increasing the amount they spend on their own defense, which is, in many cases,
almost nothing. Of course, the reason most of the member nations pay out only 1
or 2 percent of their GDP to defend themselves is that the politicians in these
socialist-lite welfare states channel the vast majority of their country’s tax
revenues into “entitlement” spending, thereby paying off the least productive
members of society and buying their votes. And because they are used to the
United States paying for everything, and are startled when informed this may
not go on unquestioned in perpetuity. And possibly because they no longer
believe in themselves, no longer believe in their heritage, no longer consider
themselves worth fighting for.
Most NATO nation’s leaders are not
big Trump fans, but it’s just possible that the Very Stable Genius is
attempting to breathe new life into a moribund West.
The simple fact is that most NATO
countries have not been meeting their commitments for military spending. So, to
witness the staggering amount of money these nations have spent on a building
for bureaucrats to play in is disheartening.
Germany, for example, is arguably
the wealthiest of the European nations, yet, in recent years, its troops have
trained with broom handles in lieu of guns, and reports state that only four of
its Eurofighter jets—out of a fleet of 128—are combat-ready. No one wants a
return to the Third Reich, but Germany should do what is right. And in its best
Screwing the troops, who risk it
all on the front line, in favor of lavishing spending on bureaucrats scurrying
around a cavernous safe-space shuffling their feet and their papers is an
affront to logic and decency. In neutron-bomb-like fashion, our long-time
European allies appear intent on making sure their buildings will stand, but their
troops will fall.
The Deep State will not protect us.
Our militaries will.
If we let them.
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