Wednesday, January 4, 2017

All In All, Universities Have Become Just Another Brick In The Wall

                 Universities have become cutting-edge incubators of truly terrible- even dangerous- ideas and practices. And, consequently, kids. One example of this is their discovery of the Natural, Constitutional Right to Not Be Subjected to Words and Thought That Might Offend Me, or RNBSWTTMOM. (Emphasis on the “BS” and the “MOM”). This new right, of course, can only be granted at the expense of an old one, found in the First Amendment to the Constitution, which codified and protected the right to freedom of speech and assembly.
                This is a complete reversal of the role colleges and universities were- for centuries- expected to play in a young person’s life: to challenge them with thought and ideas from leading writers, thinkers, economists, scientists, and the like, from all quarters. The young scholars were to be deliberately exposed to various perspectives, and then expected to debate them robustly, the better to broaden, strengthen and organize their knowledge base, leading them to develop sounder opinions and belief-systems.
                Not anymore. This would be considered anathema- if not actually a hate crime- at today’s institutions of higher learning, and would send a herd of youngsters running for the nearest “safe space.”
                It is exceedingly difficult to imagine John Adams or Thomas Jefferson, for example, running for a “safe space,” on their college campuses in a desperate attempt to seek solace in warm cookies, cute puppies, and Play-Doh rather than listening to those with contrary opinions. Even if Play-Doh existed then.  It is similarly- perhaps singularly- difficult to imagine George Washington, struggling with his emotions, racing for a safe spot away from the harsh rhetoric emanating from representatives of the Crown.
                The real tragedy is that these kids, who believe they are the most tolerant and inclusive beings currently trodding the Earth, are in fact incredibly close-minded and utterly unprepared to deal with life outside of- and after- college. These kids, and their parents, will spend gobs of money, and will leave college unable to take care of themselves- or their country.

                There is only one term to describe this tragic travesty: deplorable. 

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