*Colleges and universities
are just vast mis-education camps, indoctrination factories. Soon, those who
don’t go to college will likely have to attend re-education camps. The
Land of the Free has become Indoctrination Nation.
*Thomas Jefferson, the
author of The Declaration of Independence, once proclaimed: “I have sworn, on
the altar of God, eternal hostility to all forms of tyranny over the minds of
man.” Today, the Democrat Party is effectively stating: “We have sworn, on the
altar of political correctness/Gaia, eternal hostility to all those that
question our beliefs, desires, and decrees.”
*The Mainstream Media:
“We are fact-free news! Now with extra bias!”
*Democrats plan to let
criminals out of jail to vote for them is not new. They’ve been doing that
since at least 1864. In
fact, that year they plotted a jail break of Confederate prisoners!
*Wisconsin’s Democratic Gov.
Tony Evers recently vetoed
a bill that would have banned “transgender women” from
participating on female school sports teams. He did so claiming it would
“threaten the safety and dignity of LGBTQ Wisconsinites.” That is preposterous.
Not passing the bill, however, demonstrably
threatens the safety of Wisconsin schoolgirls. The most effective way to
advance an evil agenda is to accuse one’s opponents of being evil.
*Though Title IX prohibits educational
institutions from discriminating on the basis of sex, Quinnipiac University School of Law is offering a scholarship
open only to women and LGBTQ+ students. Wonder if the school would consider
offering athletic scholarships to women and LGBTQ+ students only? Let’s hear it for inclusion!
*So-called “comedian” Michael Ian Black says he may leave the U.S. even
if Donald Trump loses the upcoming presidential election, because, he says, the
country has “let so many of us down.” We’ll help you pack.
*”Trump Openly Complains About Being Thrown in Jail in Unhinged Rant
Against Court Cases” read the MEDIAite headline. The nerve of that guy,
complaining about his political opposition attempting to jail him on…ahem,
trumped up charges! The article noted that Trump characterized the charges
against him as “so unfair,” stating that those are “the petulant words one typically hears from a tired or
hungry toddler.” The article itself was filled with untruths and biased blather
one might normally expect to hear from a small child. In short, it was an unhinged
*Rutgers University is going to hold separate
graduation ceremonies for LGBTQ+ and illegal immigrant students. Why
not then break it down even further…to gays only, lesbians only, bisexuals
only, illegal immigrants from El Salvador only, illegal immigrants from Venezuela
only, etc., etc., graduation ceremonies? Everything about this is wrong, from
separating students by sexual orientation to allowing illegal immigrants (whose
education has been paid for in part by American taxpayers) to graduate.
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