Friday, April 1, 2022

California Abortion "Tourism"


California State Senators Nancy Skinner and Anna Caballero introduced Senate Bill 1142, which, if passed into law, will establish a public-private fund for the sole purpose of providing grant money to nonprofits to assist "low-income pregnant women" get "access to abortion services."

This bill has the explicit goal of attracting out-of-state women who seek abortion services which would subsequently establish California as a state friendly to abortion “tourism.” Which is an unfortunate term. And an ugly one.

“I’d like you all to look over here now. There’s the Hollywood Bowl! And this is Rodeo Drive! Over there is Grauman’s Chinese Theater…and there is a Planned Parenthood! And just two blocks over is Bob’s House O’ Abortion! Yay!! Let’s go have a look. We have tours planned of both of them!”

What’s next, Holocaust tourism?

 Is the California Office of Tourism going to use this? “Come to California, the Golden State, home of the stars, the land of milk and honey……and unfettered abortion!”

Perhaps will trumpet the new bill’s affect if passed: “Experience a world of breathtaking beauty, heart-pounding adventure, world-renowned wine and culinary delights. Art, culture and attractions to amaze the whole family. And more abortion clinics than you can shake a stick at! In California, anything is possible, because we are an abortion sanctuary!”

Sadly, just one more reason to stay away.

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