One of England’s National Health
Service-funded clinics is promoting
prostitution as a way for transgender people to pay for their transition
treatments. That’s a great use of taxpayer’s money! The NHS and some in
the LGBTQ community may think this is a capital idea, or even a “twofer.” In
truth, however, it is using other people’s hard-earned tax dollars to promote an
amoral way to earn money for the desecration of one’s body, which is an affront
to God.
There is nothing healthy about that.
Will Jolly Olde England’s NHS soon recommend that folks start selling illicit drugs as a way to pay for their stays in substance abuse
rehabilitation clinics? Or try their hand at a roulette table and put
everything on “red” in hopes of paying off their gambling debt? Perhaps the NHS
would suggest people pay their parking tickets with money obtained by robbing a
The Ten Commandments have long since been banished
from the public square. The Golden Rule is no more. Common sense has fled the
coop along with any notion of shame or dignity. Not so long ago, the
conventional wisdom was to “treat your body like a temple.” Today, wisdom is almost extinct. (Must be the result of “climate
change.”) So, people are encouraged to
treat their bodies like a Mr. Potato Head, adding and removing parts as they
see fit.
Insanity rushes in to fill the void where wisdom once
resided. A belief in…anything else…replaces a belief in a higher power. Too
many of us second-guess God, but not mortal “experts” like Dr. Fauci or “Bill
Nye the Science Guy.” That just might be one reason why, despite countless
medical and technological breakthroughs, life spans and mental
health are both declining.
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