In today’s America, there are some
things one can question…and some things one cannot. You can question the
existence of God. Indeed, you are encouraged to question the intellect
and judgement of those who still believe in Him…or Her…or They. You can
question any Republican or “conservative” candidate or office holder (usually
referred to by the mainstream media as a “far right extremist”),
vehemently and rudely, ad infinitum, about anything whatsoever. You cannot,
however, question a “progressive” candidate or office holder if they happen to
be a woman and/or a person of color….without being summarily smeared as a
misogynist and/or racist. And a bigoted “far right extremist.” You can
question anyone who is leery of lockdowns or mask mandates, but you cannot question
the mask mandates or lockdowns.
You can question your own gender,
but you can’t question the LGBTQ agenda in any way, shape or form-- for
any reason. Nor can you question the process or results of the 2020 U.S.
presidential election, in any way, whether on a national, state, or local level.
If you do, you will promptly be cancelled, disappeared, or otherized. Seriously
questioning how COVID-19 was loosed upon the globe is also strictly verboten. As
is asking questions about the Biden family’s ties to—and relations with—China or
Ukraine. In fact, you can’t ask a pertinent question of Biden at all. Unless
you want to be called “silly” at best or “a
stupid son of a bitch” at worst.
These are sacred and inviolable
principles, ergo neither the use of the scientific method nor dissent is allowed.
Period. Because the experts said so. And the science is settled. “So there!”
they say. “There’s nothing to see here, ha, ha! Oh, one more thing: you must
question what you think you have seen with your own eyes over the past few
years. Because you haven’t seen what you think you’ve seen. Understand?
Verstehen sie? Ja? Now go lay by your dish, you stupid rubes! And don’t question
that directive, either!”
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