Sunday, April 3, 2022

Defining Characteristics


Defining Characteristics:


*Asshat: Imbecile, buffoon, blockhead, idiot, dunce, halfwit, dolt. See also Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Eric Swalwell, Gavin Newsome, Justin Trudeau, AOC, etc.

*BLM: A group advocating for the rights of minorities by having its rank and file burn and loot the cities where minorities live, and the businesses they own, while its leaders purchase mansions in ritzy Los Angeles enclaves and toney Toronto neighborhoods.

*Climate change: Something the climate has always done and always will do, but that progressives use in an attempt to destroy capitalism and Western civilization.

*Democratic socialist: A political personage, excellent at being evil, that believes he/she/they should be able to tell everyone else how to live, while simultaneously doing the opposite and loudly and incessantly proclaiming their tolerance and inclusiveness. A remarkable creature, but one that needs to become extinct if others are to survive.

* Establishment Republican: That rarest of all creatures, a spineless vertebrate.

*Fairness: A term progressives use to describe a situation where they can do whatever they want, yet can tell others how they should act and live.

*Hate speech: Anything that does not fully support the woke Democratic narrative and agenda.

*Justice: A term progressives use to describe a situation where they can do whatever they want, yet can tell others how they should act and live.

*Misinformation: Anything that does not fully support the woke Democratic narrative and agenda.

*Open-minded: A term progressives use to describe those like themselves who are tolerant of any sloth, sin or perversion, yet militantly intolerant of those with more traditional views.

*Problematic: The term that woke Democrats use to describe anything that does not fully support the woke Democratic narrative and agenda.

*Tolerant: A term progressives like to use to describe themselves even as they go about attempting to censor or cancel anyone who disagrees with them.

*Woke: A term for those who typically sleep until noon, possess little or no accurate knowledge of forms of government, comparative religions, economics, or history-- but believe themselves to be the most enlightened, brilliant, and beatific people ever to trod the Earth. To paraphrase Barack Hussein Obama, “They are who they have been waiting for!”


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