Shira Fishbach, a
University of Chicago medical student and future OB/GYN, was cited in a recent
article in MedPage Today about physicians and medical students who
choose to abort their own babies. Fishbach told the web-based medical news
service provider of her 2017 abortion. She stated: “I felt a connection between
my having an abortion and my ability to pursue my own education, to have
economic freedom, to live my life the way that I wanted to. It felt like they
were literally handing me that gift.” Monstrous selfishness and entitlement.
Nonetheless, her
comments met with praise from Vineet Arora, the dean of medical education at
the University of Chicago, whose research on abortion rates among medical
professionals was the genesis for the MedPage article. In a Twitter response to
Fishbach’s pronouncement, Arora wrote, “So courageous and a bright future ahead.”
Yes, it is “courageous” to refuse to accept responsibility for your own
careless actions and instead decide to terminate the life of an innocent baby
in your womb. (Or perhaps her actions weren’t careless. Perhaps she wanted to
get pregnant just so she could feel the wondrous “connection” between aborting
her child and living her life the way she damned well wanted to. And receiving
“that gift.”)
Fishbach killed her baby even though she admittedly had
a supportive family to help her out had she decided to keep her child.
She also tweeted, “Dreams
come true— I’m going to be an abortion provider!” That’s not something we
probably would have heard in days of yore, but in today’s depraved new world
many on the left champion abortion over motherhood—or even birthingpersonhood.
Fishbach had previously called abortion, “life-saving,
life-affirming healthcare” when speaking of the death of the seven-week-old
baby in her womb. “Life-saving. Life-affirming.” Mind-blowing.
This kind of preposterous, repulsive insanity
is mindful of an op-ed piece written by a late-term abortion provider that was
the subject of my first ever article on American Thinker. The op-ed, published
in The New York Times, was titled “Pregnancy Kills. Abortion Saves Lives.”
Progressives have now reached a point where they
routinely state what is exactly, demonstrably, the opposite of the truth-- because
they know that a substantial portion of the populace is too afraid or
brainwashed to challenge them. The examples of this are legion and far too
numerous to cite here. As a for instance, Robert Reich, University of California
at Berkeley professor and former Labor Secretary under President Bill Clinton,
recently said that Elon Musk’s plan to bring free speech to Twitter-- and his
preference for an uncontrolled internet-- is “the dream of every dictator,
strongman, demagogue and modern-day robber baron on Earth.” The nutty professor
stated: “That’s Musk’s dream. And Trump’s. And Putin’s.” He added, “In reality,
that world would be dominated by the richest and most powerful people in the
world, who wouldn’t be accountable to anyone for facts, truth, science or the
common good.
The truth is that the world is currently dominated
by the richest and most powerful people in the world, who aren’t accountable to
anyone for facts, truth, science or the common good. Or common sense, for that
matter. This is because of smug elitists like, for example, Robert Reich…and
the policies they promulgate, middle class rubes outside of major urban areas
be damned.
Free speech, an open internet—and social media
platforms that aren’t wildly biased—are anathema to dictators such as
Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong un, et. al. Dictators, strongmen, demagogues, and
robber barons have always feared free speech. They shut it down. And always try
to obtain more control over the flow and dissemination of ideas and thought.
Always. Throughout history.
Any nation or society that tolerates the
obliteration of truth, individuality or liberty is a nation or society doomed
to imminent collapse. Groups trump individuals in America today. Multiculturalism
and “intersectionality” rule the day. Our liberty has been stolen from us via
“lockdowns,” “mandates”, punitive taxation, assaults on our First and Second
Amendment rights-- and through the actions of Big Government, Big Tech, Big
Labor, Big Business, Big Media, Big Pharma, and Big Education.
And the truth? The truth is that, as George Orwell
said, “The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those
that speak it.”
Pregnancy does not kill, it is, in fact, the only
way any and every life has been brought into the world…since the
beginning of time. Abortion does not save lives. By definition it ends
them. It is not a “gift,” it is a form of genocide.
Males cannot become females. Free speech is not tyranny.
And abortion does not save lives.
If the vast majority of us can’t even agree on that,
our society will soon be effectively aborted.
There is nothing “life-affirming” about that.
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