Some British soldiers are demanding that their nation’s armed
forces introduce vegan uniforms that comport
with their beliefs and practices. According to online reports, a newly formed group in the
British Army called “The Ministry of Defence Vegan and Vegetarian Network” has
launched a campaign to empower vegans and vegetarians in the armed forces.
One of the policies proposed by the vegan group is for military
personnel to have the option to wear vegetarian-approved footwear not made from
real leather. Incredibly, the Royal Air Force has allegedly considered the
notion. This despite the fact that “vegan leather” may well be worse for the
environment than real leather due to its lack of
biodegradability and its use of plastic polymers. Moreover, the non-animal-based
synthetic materials are less durable than natural ones, such as the genuine
leather used in standard military combat equipment. Furthermore, the vegan
alternatives would be significantly more costly than current materiel-- and
simply unfeasible in some instances.
move to make the military openly inclusive to every woke group, no matter how
small, is part of a broader effort by proponents of Diversity, Inclusion and
Equity (DIE) to revamp military doctrine to reflect trends they say are
“relevant to our soldiers in the 21st-century.” Such as doing away with the recognition
of sexual dimorphism and gearing up to fight white supremacy, Christianity,
patriotism, “toxic masculinity” and climate change?
next, vegan missiles and tanks? Non-binary grenades? Microaggression-free battle
tactic wording and strategy? “Inclusive” intelligence briefings?
In the
U.S., our toxically all-male armed forces acquitted themselves exceptionally well
in combat from 1775 until recently. Almost without exception. Then “don’t ask,
don’t tell” became “Proud gays are welcome. Women, too. And bisexuals,
transgenders, the pan-gendered, pansexuals, Two-Spirits, etc., etc. Anything
goes!” This isn’t meant to be insulting to any one of those groups, but what do
you think that does for discipline, morale, cohesion, and unity…especially in
combat or in a foxhole?
military is already the least racist and bigoted entity in American—and
British-- societies. It is spectacularly counterproductive to promote
intersectionality in its midst. Vegans? Scientologists? Jews? Bakers?
Candlestick makers? Why deliberately balkanize
your military? This is the opposite of team building.
And this
is a critical time for the West, a crossroads of sorts. We face truly
existential dangers. From within and without. We must meet the challenges posed
by our own power-mad leaders like Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden…… and of
calculating, clever, resource-laden, power-mad nations like China and Russia.
As to
the latter, we can’t effectively do so with a Royal Vegan Air Force or a Royal Vegetarian
Navy. “The Big Red One” (the U.S. Army’s legendary First Infantry Division) cannot
be replaced by the “Big Gay/Transexual/ Pangendered One” if it is to continue
to be considered a serious fighting force. That, too, is in no way an
anti-LGBTQ statement, but a statement of fact. Similarly, the 82nd
Airborne Division cannot be renamed the 82nd 1619 Project Advancers
and remain a viable entity. The “Green Berets” would not carry the same
mystique if rebranded the “Queen Berets.” The Navy Seals could not be as
effective if they accepted non-swimmers, just as the Army Rangers would be
greatly diminished if it welcomed overweight, middle-aged pacifists who are
afraid of heights into its midst.
the military takes disparate men and molds them into a single cohesive fighting
force by treating them all the same, even if that treatment appears quite harsh.
Wokesters/leftists/progressives intend to do the opposite. They wish to split
the military into as many factions as possible-- gays/straights/transgenders/vegans/etc.—which
will dramatically reduce its efficacy as a fighting force.
unfortunate reality is that our military, if it is to keep us safe, has to
excel at potentially killing our enemies and breaking their things. At best, it
is so obviously capable of doing so that it will never be challenged and peace
reigns, as was the case with the U.S. military for many years after Reagan
rebuilt and reinvigorated it. President Trump seemed to realize this.
of vegetables, President Biden has been responsible for the stunningly quick wokification
of-- and consequent diminution of respect for-- America’s military.
The war
in Ukraine should remind us all why this is so dangerous.
West’s militaries don’t need vegan uniforms. They need funding, support, and
leaders who are honest and courageous, not disingenuous and craven.
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