The Chinese government, i.e. the
Chinese Communist Party or CCP, is the most dangerous entity on the face of the
planet today. It has a clear aim of global domination (see its “Belt
and Road” initiative) and is actively using coercion to get what it wants
around the world. Much like Imperial Japan it is an existential threat to its
neighbors, and like Nazi Germany it appears to believe that, through economic
and military power, it can successfully achieve its goals around the world. Add
to this barely concealed bribery and massive ongoing espionage campaigns and
the CCP is a formidable force. The fact that it firmly believes an America
without Donald Trump at the helm lacks the will to confront it on any level in
any substantive way leads any reasonable person to be deeply concerned about
the very near future.
Joe Biden, a Manchurian
Candidate if ever there was one, promises to pay much more attention to
climate change, transgender rights, and The Squad’s Socialist agenda than to
any threat China might pose. This despite the fact that China essentially
launched a biological weapons attack on the U.S. and the rest of the world when
it allowed travelers to take flights out of Wuhan to other nations long after
it strictly and aggressively prohibited citizens of Wuhan from traveling
anywhere else within China due to the Wuhan Virus. The CCP also misled the
World Health Organization (WHO) as to the origins of the China Virus and the
early extent of its spread.
And now China has intervened to
prevent Taiwan, which reportedly hasn’t had a locally transmitted
coronavirus infection in seven months, from participating in WHO
meetings to explain how it was successful in controlling COVID-19. Taiwan
has asked to participate in WHO meetings so that it could share its experience
in dealing with the virus, but the Chinese government has achieved undue
influence over the organization and considers Taiwan to be a rogue province
that must be brought to heel.
Moreover, China has been engaged in
a misinformation campaign designed to convince the world that the CCP has been
more effective in its authoritarian efforts to contain the virus than free (or freer)
countries have been. This assertion has been repeatedly contradicted by those
who have escaped the Chinese mainland, though it seems to have resonated with
many American Democratic leaders, such as New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo,
California Gov. Gavin Newsome, and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.
Speaking of “authoritarianism,”
China has also been engaged in forcefully harvesting
the organs of its Falun Gong and Uighur political prisoners, some of whom
were still alive at the time. (This may be a practice that certain leftists in
the United States would like to culturally appropriate, if their recent
comments about Trump supporters are any indication.)
Those who have read many of my
posts know that, even in this graceless I age, I almost never resort to
profanity. However, I feel I must now make an exception. The only proper
response to the CCP as it attempts to slowly enslave the world is this: “F**k
you!” (“And
the horse you came in on!”)
Alone among nations, the United
States can make it absolutely clear that it will not tolerate being played for
a fool any longer, a message that President Trump had begun to deliver, before
CCP-style vote counting practices likely deprived him of a second term.
If Joe Biden takes office on
January 20th, 2021, China will be the biggest beneficiary.
Americans will be the biggest
losers…whether most of them know it or not.
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