One reason that so many people believe “fake news” is that
real news has become so preposterous that it makes fake news seem reasonable in
comparison. Which, sadly, makes effective parody almost impossible.
what recently transpired in Virginia, for example. The state’s governor, Ralph
Northam, publicly discussed a proposed
new law that would allow for the deliberate killing, via medical
neglect, of babies born alive that survived an abortion attempt. The bill was tabled
by heartless Republicans. We may never know for certain if Governor Northam
would have ultimately signed the bill, but it sure sounded like he would have. (Since
I wrote this piece a picture from the Eastern Virginia Medical School’s 1984
yearbook has surfaced, showing Northam in either blackface or a Ku Klux Klan
robe and pointed hat, resulting in calls for his resignation).
Virginia Delegate Kathy Tran
submitted the proposed legislation, “House
Bill No. 2491—Abortion; eliminate certain requirements.” The bill
she sponsored would allow for the termination of a pregnancy up to the 40th week. When asked if the
bill would permit the abortion of a baby in the process of being born, Tran
answered “yes.”
Tran also submitted “House
Bill No. 2495—Fall cankerworm; spraying prohibited during certain
months,” on January 9th, the same day she put forth “House Bill No.
2491.” Yes, the very day she proudly sponsored a bill allowing infanticide, she
put forth another calling for cankerworms, gypsy moths and other insects to be
Virginia’s state motto is “Sic
Semper Tyrannis,” meaning, “Thus Always To Tyrants.” It is a good thing
full-term abortion wasn’t legal in the early days of the Virginia colony or
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, among others, might not
have arrived to put tyrants on notice that their days were numbered.
Ironically, Virginia has another
motto, a modern-day slogan it likes to use to lure tourists: “Virginia is for
lovers.” It is also called the “Mother of States.”
Tyrants. Lovers. Mothers.
“Progressives” value lovers (of any kind or
stripe) more than they value mothers. They become tyrants when they attempt to
use legislation to advance their predilections at the expense of others’
well-being-- or lives.
To the “progressive” mind,
infanticide’s okay, insecticide is not.
We have a problem of Biblical
proportions when the same people that want to make killing babies legal up
to—and after—the time they are born, sponsor bills to save……locusts.
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