The European Union (EU) has taken yet another bold step in
an effort to protect its citizens: it has banned the sale and manufacture of
“strike anywhere matches,” according to London’s Daily Express. And the
chemicals used to make them. Strike anywhere matches are typically a little
longer and a little stouter than their brethren found in matchbooks. They can
be lit by being struck against most abrasive surfaces. Henceforth, only safety
matches will be allowed. They will
light only if struck on the strip attached to the package itself. Ah, much
safer, no?
I am
not aware of large swaths of the EU being ravaged by fires started by “strike
anywhere matches.” Nor am I privy to the countless thousands that must have
died due to the nearly spontaneous combustibility of these heinous items. If
one thinks about it logically, why is it safer to have the ignition strip on
the same package in which the matches are contained? That’s kind of like
selling a loaded gun, isn’t it? Whereas, with strike anywhere matches one has
to go about scratching them across various items and surfaces, hoping against
hope that one of them will somehow ignite the match. And what about lighters?
doesn’t the EU just ban fire outright? Speaking of fires, surely candles will
be next to go. Burners on stoves can be very dangerous if not utilized
properly. Bats, clubs, wickets, shovels, nets, forks, weed-whackers and
scissors, among a myriad of other items, can
be deadly if used improperly.
we should ban the term “matches” so
as not to unduly upset anyone. Soccer match? No! Soccer game! A friendly, even! They should all be friendlies!
are we headed? Will the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) seal our demise?
We have already rendered ourselves
nearly incapable of existence in the real, physical world. While attempting to
ban anything conceivably dangerous or upsetting, as if that were possible, we
are succeeding in banning personal responsibility…and freedom.
As Ben
Franklin famously said: “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase
a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
very soon, they will not have either.
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