Where will it end? Where- and who- will we be? The sanctimonious ignorance and overbearing
intolerance of the politically correct Gestapo are literally endangering
Western Society. They are achieving “victory” after “victory” because a
significant percentage of those who aren’t
card-carrying members of this modern-day Gestapo are afraid of it. As a result, history and common sense are being
rounded up and taken on trains to re-education camps. Soon, global warming
deniers and other heretics will be relocated to various fetid gulags of the
mind and soul.
The great progressive achievement has
been to coerce a majority of the people into believing that tolerance is the greatest virtue. Forget dignity, perseverance, work ethic,
discipline, honesty (LOL!), modesty, courage, integrity, et. al. What is more
remarkable- and depressing- yet, is that they did this while being utterly
intolerant themselves, especially of
the aforementioned virtues. (That is what they used to be considered, anyway).
If one believes in Faith, Hope and Love, one might even forgive an enemy after the fact. This has been the
case at times with soldiers after their war is over. After all they’ve seen and
been through, they may still have faith
in God…and hope that things can get
better. In, say, a devoutly Christian manner, they may even believe- and hope-
that God loves their (former) enemy.
does not translate into letting a person, group or country kill you, your
family, friends and loved ones if you could in any way attempt to prevent it,
even if it means killing that person or group, and utterly defeating that
To do
otherwise would not be tolerance, it would be irrationality, insanity and
immorality. It would go against instinct (animalism, survival of the fittest,
evolution…science) and religion. The self-proclaimed
tolerant are anything but and simply want to brainwash you into tolerating your own marginalization and demise,
all the while accusing you of being
Amazing. “Tolerance” is not found
in the Ten Commandments. Nor the Declaration of Independence. Tolerance is only
tangentially and occasionally a virtue at all.
We can no longer tolerate the all-out assault on American values,
the rampant Islamic terrorism, the complete subversion of the family, the $200
trillion in unfunded mandates, the absolutely unchecked Russian and Chinese
aggression, the bold-faced lying and taunting of the Iranian leadership, and
the smug intolerance of those who demand the rest of us be tolerant of all
things…especially of their
founders were made of stouter stuff. They rebelled, with little or no
government or infrastructure of their own, against the greatest military power
the world had yet seen, in part because of a tax on tea (that they had no say in).
Perhaps a growing number of us
can find the consummate courage to refute outright lies and stand up for our
own beliefs, whatever the politically-correct Gestapo has in store for us,
thereby reinstating America.
But I
doubt our progressive comrades will tolerate that.
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