Many people wonder
why today, as opposed to even the recent past, the political parties can no
longer be civil to-- or even tolerate one another. Well, the reason for that is
that the Democratic Party has become so extreme and moved so far left that it
is no longer possible for a sane person to agree with them. Today’s Democrats
bear little resemblance to those of the Truman or even Kennedy eras. They are
not just economic Marxists believing in equality of outcome, but
cultural Marxists that wish to deny and/or destroy all that came before them,
including the very concept of men and women.
Not content with
even this, they boldly attempt to impose their ideas—and will-- on everyone
else. They want equity of beliefs and values, as long as those beliefs and
values are their own.
It is one thing to
believe in somewhat bigger government and higher taxes, quite another to
believe that baby killing should be enshrined as the law of the land and that
men can become women just by saying so. And that others should not have the right
to believe what they see, think what they want, say what they will, or even defend
themselves. This kind of tyranny, especially in the guise of “democracy,”
simply cannot be tolerated if we are to have a free and representative
republic…and a viable society. It must be dealt with the way our founders dealt
with British tyranny. The Biden administration has issued a veritable plethora
of edicts and mandates that should rightly constitute a modern version of the
“Intolerable Acts,” so many in fact that there is not space enough for them to
be catalogued here.
As Thomas
Jefferson so unambiguously stated, “I have sworn-- on the altar of God—eternal
hostility to all forms of tyranny over the minds of man.”
Unfortunately, there
are few, if any, Thomas Jeffersons, Patrick Henrys, Paul Reveres, Samuel
Adamses, or George Washingtons in today’s Republican Party—or anywhere else.
So, it may well be
up to us to reclaim our birthright and take back our freedoms.
Time grows short.
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