Sunday, September 24, 2023

Empire State Building Lit Up In "Pfizer Blue"


A recent MSN post by way of 710 WOR-- or is it WOR 710?-- read:

Seems like COVID's everywhere again. But here's good news from Pfizer!

This season's updated COVID-19 shots are now available for ages 6 months and up, and they're designed to help protect against recent variants.

That is why today, at 8pm, the Empire State Building turned its iconic building blue to announce that the CDC recommends everyone 6 months of age and older get this season's updated COVID-19 shot. The blue light symbolizes our gratitude and appreciation for the updated vaccines and all those who made it possible.

COVID-19 isn't gone, and vaccination remains one of our best tools to help protect against the virus that causes the disease. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about this season's updated COVID-19 shots. Learn more and schedule at the CDC's website,

Sponsored by Pfizer.

You don’t say!

The post was titled, “The Empire State Building Shines Pfizer Blue for Updated COVID-19 Shots.”

I’m not sure how pharmaceutical companies get away with calling these experimental mRNA shots “vaccines,” at least insofar as they don’t prevent contraction or transmission of the disease…and even so need to be taken repeatedly. Be that as it may, recommending the shots for those 6-months-old and up is beyond the pale, and should be a crime. But what the hell, let’s all express our “gratitude and appreciation!”

I must confess I didn’t know there was such a color as “Pfizer Blue.” Call me a skeptic, but it seems a bit much to light up a skyscraper in honor of the vaccines. I wonder how much that cost…and who paid for it? Is that not a waste of energy? What of the carbon footprint?

Going forward will we light up, say, the Sears tower in Viagra Blue? The IDS tower in Pepto-Bismol pink?


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