National Security Council Spokesman
John Kirby recently embarked on an impassioned defense of abortion funding for
service members and their families. Kirby averred that female members
of the military should be “able to count on the kinds of healthcare and
reproductive care specifically that they need to serve.” He even went so far as
to pound on the podium of the White House press briefing room while calling military
members’ access to abortion a “foundational, sacred obligation
of military leaders.”
He added: “Not to mention it’s just
the right darn thing to do.”
At one point, Kirby asked a rhetorical
question on behalf of a female military member concerned about her
“reproductive care” (read “abortion”)-- were she to be assigned to duty in a red
state like Alabama.
“What do you do? Do you say ‘no’ and
get out?” He meant say ‘no’ to—and get out of—the navy, not realizing
that had the female military member simply said ‘no’ to unprotected sex,
it would have completely alleviated the need for an abortion reproductive
care in the first place. Not to mention that it would have been “just the right
darn thing to do.” But progressives typically aren’t particularly self-aware,
nor do they have a keen sense of irony.
Let’s revisit Kirby’s remarkable,
astounding assertion that military leaders have a “foundational” and indeed “sacred”
obligation to assure access to abortion for those who serve. Is there really a sacred
obligation to kill the innocent?
Call me a skeptic, but I doubt
Washington’s soldiers at Valley Forge were deeply concerned with “reproductive
health care.” They probably were more concerned about the lack of shoes on
their feet during the harsh New England winter.
Fast forward roughly four score and
seven years, and I posit that neither the Union nor the Confederate
troops at Gettysburg were in high dudgeon over their respective nations’ failure
to address—and fund—abortions for their troops—and their families.
Though the Allies had to abort
Operation Overlord for a day due to inclement weather, the incredibly dangerous
assault on Hitler’s Fortress Europe proceeded on June 6th, 1944. Not
sure if the thousands attempting to scale the White Cliffs of Dover had
abortion on their minds.
Doubt any would have said ‘no’ to
service and left the military if abortions for themselves and their families
weren’t the law of the land—and publicly funded.
These previous iterations of the
American military were concerned with, chronologically: defeating taxation
without representation and monarchical tyranny; saving the union while putting
an end to slavery; and preventing a madman from exterminating Jews and taking
over the world.
What do you think the leaders of the
U.S. military—and the majority of its members, for that matter—would have said
about the “foundational, sacred” right to unfettered abortion in days of yore?
Progressives would likely respond:
“Yeah, dude, but that’s just more proof of the straight, Christian patriarchy
that used to rule the day.”
Just might be.
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