Incredibly, CNN recently promoted its upcoming
documentary/mini-series “The Kennedys” by hailing JFK’s “legendary love life.” The
35th president was famous for his serial adultery. He had an affair
with actress Judy Campbell, who was allegedly also concurrently canoodling with
the head of the Chicago mafia. According to a 2012 Daily Mail story chronicling
the incident, JFK forced an intern to publicly perform oral sex on his
assistant while in the White House swimming pool. He regularly swam naked in
the same pool with two girls his Secret Service officers dubbed “Fiddle and
Faddle.” Kennedy cheated on his wife with scores of women, many while in
office. A friend of his, a Senator from Florida, once said: “Jack liked
girls…he was a great chaser.” There is no doubt that in today’s #MeToo world he
would be considered an odious sexual predator.
yet, CNN refers to his “legendary” sex life? Immediately after painting
President Trump as a monster for alleged affairs with a Playboy model and a
porn star, years before he held public office? CNN should be in the dictionary
as a synonym for hypocrisy. Jeff Zucker, head of CNN Worldwide, apparently has
as much of a fixation for Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels as JFK had for
Fiddle and Faddle. CNN mentioned them more often than the recently enacted
Omnibus Spending Bill or North Korean despot Kim Jong-Un, actually remarking
that the former wasn’t as “photogenic” as McDougal or Daniels…something that
could certainly be said about Little Rocket Man, as well.
To mainstream media outlets such as
CNN, Kennedys and Clintons have “love lives,” whereas Trump and Republicans are
vile, misogynistic womanizers. Watching-- and/or listening to-- sneering,
Trump-hating anchors and “journalists” turns any fair person’s stomach. Those
in the mainstream media have a mob mentality when bashing conservatives, but
not, apparently, when reporting on a president who actually slept with someone
who had mob ties.
Using “legendary love life” to
describe repeated adulterous acts lends them a patina of glamor. (He came a lot
in Camelot!).
CNN slams the NRA at every
opportunity. Yet, it would probably tout an upcoming series on Chicago mobsters
by referencing their “legendary” prowess with firearms, and Al Capone’s
“remarkable dexterity” with a baseball bat. It would surely promote a series on
notorious serial killers by noting Ed Gein’s “stunningly unique” line of home
décor accessories.
And then it would refer to another
“disgusting” and “unstable” tweet from Donald Trump, bigoted, misogynistic
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