Israel is David, Not Goliath
has reared its ugly head again recently. It is on the rise and nearly unchecked
around the world. Incredibly, after the holocaust, Jew-hating is becoming a
bloodsport once again. The august body of the United Nations is partly
responsible, but, as usual, it is Islamic extremism that is at the forefront of
the hatred. Many leftist intellectuals (I believe that is an oxymoron) heap
hate upon Israel as well…even while claiming
to be against hate speech and for the broadest tolerance of diversity of
opinion, religion, sexual orientation and things not yet imagined.
tiniest of nations is an unparalleled success on nearly every imaginable front,
and this drives Islamists and others of her detractors crazy. Especially
because it was largely a non-descript, unproductive swamp under the Ottomans,
Jordanians and Egyptians.
many cities in Europe have experienced anti-Israel demonstrations that included
such signs as “Kill The Jews” and “Hitler Was Right.”
Even in
the United Kingdom, more than half the population say Israel is the number one
threat to world peace! (Apparently, the Brits didn’t liberate any concentration
camps). Europe will soon be politically and culturally dominated by Muslims, as
there doesn’t appear to be any entity strong enough- or with the will- to stop
them. Was one holocaust with 6 million Jews killed not enough?
is in existential danger. Mortal
peril. She has one true friend in the world and that friend has just
exited…stage left, and decided that
maybe it won’t be so bad if Iran gets the nuclear bomb after all.
could this possibly have happened?
Israel the number one threat to world peace?! I thought all the world- and especially the leftists- loved an
underdog. What country has Israel tried to take over? Do they have designs on
Japan…France? They don’t even keep the territory of nearby terrorist states
that try to destroy them… after they defeat them!
is an isolated “iota” of a nation. A true oasis. A tiny isle surrounded by a vast desert sea of hate and
depravity, and the only democracy in the Middle East. It is virtually the same
size as the state of New Jersey.
historically, morally, logically, strategically…we need to help the David that
is Israel in her struggle against Goliath.
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