The same people who treat the
differences between the sexes as arbitrary
and insignificant often treat the color of one’s
skin as determinative. White people are inherently
racist you know. It’s baked into their genes. There’s nothing they can do about
it. They are oppressors by way of original sin. They all wallow in their white
privilege, you see.
But should folks who can
neither define what a woman is, nor tell the difference between a “clump of
cells” and a baby, be allowed to conclusively determine the inherent
characteristics-- and value-- of various races? And dictate race-based policies?
What is a woman? Too
hard to tell. What is a baby? Impossible to ascertain. But we know for
certain that peoples of color (POC) can’t be expected to obtain valid I.D.s,
Asians are unfairly overrepresented in colleges and universities, and that
whitey is racist and bigoted.
Bible tells us that God cared deeply about the sexes: “Male
and female He created them.” It does not say, “Black and white He
created them.”
There is a reason for that.
And it is
anything but arbitrary and insignificant.
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