The Atlantic, a far-left magazine
and multi-platform publisher, recently ran a story by Danya Ruttenberg, a
self-proclaimed rabbi and scholar in residence at the National Council of
Jewish Women. The piece was titled ”My
Religion Makes Me Pro-Abortion,” and proudly trumpets the fact that
the NCJW’s “Rabbis for Repro” network “includes more than 1,800 Jewish clergy
of every denomination committed to supporting abortion access for all.”
Ruttenberg is in favor of not only preserving the “right” to abortion, but of
expanding access to it.
And she (I profess I don’t really know
what her preferred pronouns are) cites stories from the Hebrew Bible to support
her “beliefs.” She notes that, in the Book of Exodus, “Two
people are fighting; one accidentally pushes someone who is pregnant, causing a
miscarriage. The text outlines the consequences: If only a miscarriage happens,
the harm doer is obligated to pay financial damages. If, however, the pregnant
person dies, the case is treated as manslaughter. The meaning is clear: The
fetus is regarded as potential life, rather than actual life.”
Um, Rabbi Ruttenberg, if
one must pay financial damages for doing something, that obviously
doesn’t mean it’s a good thing. The word “damages” should be a clue. How
can you possibly get from there to “pro-abortion?!” And the Exodus example was
an accidental push, not a deliberate dismembering or taking of life.
It simply does not follow that because someone is fined for the inadvertent
death of an unborn child God would approve of the intentional killing of
an unborn child via abortion. And on a mass scale.
The ridiculous rabbi then cites an ancient one’s statement in the
Talmud in which she says he says the fetus should be regarded as part of the
“pregnant person’s” body “until the end of the pregnancy.” You know the Talmud
did not use the phrase “pregnant person,” which tells you much about
Ruttenberg goes on to say: “I believe that we serve
the divine when we care for those created in the divine image.” By killing
them? Or by helping them kill their babies?
She cites quotes by other allegedly religious
people, including the Reverend Katey Zeh, a Baptist minister (and more
importantly the CEO of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice)
who she said once told her “Abortion justice is holy work for me because it’s
aligned with the most sacred values of my faith: compassion, kindness, and love.”
Tearing a sensate yet defenseless baby limb from
limb for your own convenience is “compassionate, kind and loving?” Only if you
are clinically insane.
Even more repulsively, Ruttenberg notes that Jamie
Manson, the president of Catholics for Choice, expressed a similar sentiment in
a speech she gave last December: “In the Gospel, Jesus tells us the truth shall
set us free. Here is the truth: One in four abortion patients in this country
is Catholic, and for them, abortion is a blessing.”
It might be true that one in four abortion patients
in the U.S. is Catholic, but it is not true that abortion is a “blessing.”
Near the end of the piece, Rabbi Mengele
Ruttenberg stated that “people of faith like Zeh and Manson serve as crucial
reminders: Being Christian doesn’t necessarily equate to holding an
anti-abortion position.” She also noted that “other
sects of Christianity have changed their stance on abortion over time,” adding
that “the reason for the shift” over time “can’t be pinpointed.”
For the love of God, Ms.
Ruttenberg, does being Christian no longer equate to holding an anti-murder
position? Can Christians now be pro-adultery, too? Pro-theft? Is it okay now to
bear false witness against our neighbor?
The reason for the shift in beliefs
over time can, in fact, be pinpointed. It is because we have eschewed
adherence to Biblical principles and instead decided to worship ourselves and
our every weakness and desire.
Progressives/Leftists/Democrats now routinely tell the biggest
lies possible and try to force others to believe them-- or risk being shamed, “cancelled,”
or worse. Is that “compassionate, kind, and loving?” “Pro-choice” groups
routinely vandalize the property of pro-life groups and are now declaring “open season” on them. Is
that, too, aligned with “the most sacred values” of your faith, Rabbi
I will end with these questions: what if Jesus Christ had been
aborted, for Mary’s convenience, instead of crucified? Should that have been
okay with…Christians?
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