So read the actual headline
for the article by Josh Chafetz of NBC News, as posted on I knew at a
glance that the headline was far too preposterous to be true. Turns out, I was
right. It was the “news” equivalent of clickbait.
Nowhere in the article was
Trump quoted as saying, “Steve, I want you to attack
democracy!” There was no assertion of the kind. Nothing remotely close
to The Donald asking Bannon to wage war on democracy or democratic
institutions. The closest the post got was in the excerpt(s) below.
Substantively, any privilege claims raised by the
subpoenaed witnesses are nonsense. This is especially true of Bannon, who, as
law professor Jonathan Alder pointed out, was “neither an attorney nor
government official,” and therefore has no legal basis for refusing to testify.
If Bannon continues to refuse to comply with the subpoena, he should not only
be tried but also convicted. That is as it should be, because Bannon’s spurning
of the committee strikes at the heart of democratic governance in two distinct
but related ways.
Trump has asked his former aides to defy
the subpoenas; meanwhile, committee members are pointedly refusing to rule out a
subpoena for Trump himself.
Trump believes—correctly—that the
mad mob out to get him is engaged in a sustained “attack on democracy,” or,
more correctly, our republic. There were “Democratic” politicians that were
calling for Trump to be impeached before he even took office! Democrats
routinely attack democracy be attempting to strip away protections from
citizens granted by the Bill of Rights. They treat the Constitution, a.k.a. “the
law of the land,” as if it were good for nothing but lining a parakeet’s cage.
They want to pack the Supreme Court, make the federal capital a state, and
eliminate the filibuster.
Democrats sponsor and support
Antifa, BLM, and assorted other criminals in looting stores and burning down
buildings, actual attacks on our democracy…and those who make it work.
And they are all in on attempting
to repeal the unrepealable: the individual rights granted to us by our Creator.
President Biden all but said “screw your freedoms” when talking to Americans
about vaccine mandates. Democrats believe they not only have a right to any
amount of our wealth they see fit to take “for the good of the whole,” but that
they own our bodies, as well. “Your bodies, our choice,” they insist.
Trump did not tell Bannon to
“attack democracy.” That is simply fake news.
So I will close by saying, “Let’s
Go Brandon!”
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