There can be no
such thing as “marriage equality,” as
marriage wasn’t defined by man, or even the Supreme Court of the United States,
but by God.
Genesis 2:24,25-
shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and
they shall be one flesh.
they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.”
All men
are created equal. That does not mean
all institutions are equal, or iterations thereof. The institution of slavery
is certainly not equal to the institution that is- was- the family. Slavery
broke up and destroyed countless families. Everyone in those families and
everyone who has ever lived is the result of the institution of marriage, or at
least that of male-female interaction.
I am
amused by those who state that this is just progress in eliminating bigotry.
That it’s a simple equal-rights issue just as eliminating slavery was. That’s
absurd. How far are we going to go down that path? Nobody believes anyone has the
right to own, sell or trade homosexuals. No sane person wants to harm them in
any way. Ironically (or not), the majority of African-Americans don’t believe
in “marriage equality.”
claim that because one thing was wrong in the past, or two or three, that must
mean that any given thing is wrong now, or everything was wrong then
should be absurd on its face. The fact
that more than one person has been falsely accused in the past doesn’t mean
that the rule of law must be thrown out the window, that no one can ever be
tried or convicted again. That would lead to chaos. Yet, that is precisely what has happened.
I don’t believe in discriminating
against gays or lesbians. Hell, they make, on average, more in annual income
than heterosexuals do, so there can’t be too much effective discrimination
against them in that regard. I don’t even want an investigative report
commissioned, breaking down the reasons why we heteros only make 92 cents on
the dollar as opposed to gays. Good for “them.” (I put that word in parentheses
as a self-mocking device, as I don’t
intend to label “them” or be divisive).
“They” obviously tend to have many fine traits and skills that translate
well into the economic sector.
flash: I have a gay friend or two.
Partnerships don’t keep me up at night.
I still do not- cannot, will not- support the claim that homosexuals have an equal “right” to the divine covenant,
the sacred, biblically-sanctioned bond that naturally may attend the marriage of a man and a woman…for what
should be reasons as obvious as the fact that… life matters.
(We have reached the point that it
is now Christians who are losing their rights and being mocked, scorned,
ridiculed, and told what they “have” to do, no matter the dictates of their
Odd that homosexuals tend to
excoriate those that are the most tolerant, yet seem completely uncomfortable
speaking out against the Islamic extremism that may stone or kill them.
So here we are, with five people-
all of whom graduated from either Harvard or Yale, not one of whom is from the
vast interior of the country and not one of whom is Protestant- having taken it
upon themselves to re-write history, ignore the Constitution of the United
States, and throw out the rule of law, all in the desire to appear tolerant.
In a bizarre twist, Sharia Law may
well be next for all of us).
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