There is a vast
field of Republicans vying for their party’s Presidential nomination in 2016.
The list of nominees already would nearly fill up a New York City phone book.
It would be quicker to recount the names of those who aren’t running than of those who are.
In fact, those of you Republicans not running for President in 2016,
please stand up.
Okay, thank you Caitlynn Jenner and
Laura Bush. You may be seated now.
There will be more entrants in this
race then the 2015 Kentucky Derby. Talk about a goat rodeo!
And, as in the Kentucky Derby, most
of them will be pretenders to the throne. Some, like Jeb Bush and Mike
Huckabee, are establishment liberals, nice guys, but Republicans in name only
(RINO’s). Others, such as Donald Trump, are a bit on the arrogant (and crazy)
side. (I realize this makes them sound like Hillary Clinton, and duly
apologize. None of them are that bad
or corrupt).
A few, such as Scott Walker, Ted
Cruz, Carly Fiorina and Marco Rubio, appear to be the real deal, tough-minded
conservatives who could make a positive difference in the lives of most
Americans. If they don’t make a
bone-headed remark during the long campaign. Which, recent history tells us,
they probably will. The Democratic candidates (candidate?) will make bone-headed
remarks as well, but the mainstream media, debate moderators, etc., will
pretend not to hear, cover-up the remark, or use any and all tricks in the
proverbial book to distract viewers/listeners from those comments and direct
them to the Republican’s misstatements, though they may well be- and typically
are- of far less import and gravity.
The Hillary led State Department
grants favors to foreign contributors
to the Clinton’s own private Foundation?
What’s the problem? Dan Quayle misspells potato? Run the bastard out of town!
Obama makes a remark, while campaigning, alluding to visiting “all 57 states?”
So what? Obama talks about his, “deep and abiding Muslim faith,” and is gently
corrected/prodded by the interviewer into acknowledging his deep and abiding Christian faith? Nothing to see here!
Move along, I’m sure “W” has said something funny!
No single debate will be able to
accommodate the Republican field in its entirety, as no individual candidate
would be allotted enough time to properly respond to a single question. Plus,
the stage might well collapse.
Let’s hope the GOP field coalesces
quickly and doesn’t turn into an “insane clown posse’.”
Speaking personally, if the 2016
contest for U.S. head honcho pits Hillary Clinton against Jeb Bush, I may move
to Canada. I consider myself an independent, not because it sounds good or is
fashionable, but because most Republicans are spineless and quick to move to
the left upon pressure or inauguration. I believe in the Constitution, the rule
of law, the free market, limited government, natural rights, our Founders, Calvin Coolidge and Ronald
Reagan, etc., not establishment
Though I have just made sport of
the Republican nominees, and with good reason, I must say it is a truly deep (obviously) and interesting field, with many different beliefs and viewpoints…and several good candidates. I guess that makes it diverse.
Which is far more than can be said
for the pathetic Democratic “field.” One default
candidate? Really? The Supreme Soviet couldn’t have done any worse. A lying,
scandal ridden white woman who put up with her husband’s serial infidelity
while in the White House, so she could have a chance at returning there as the
President herself?!
Whatever we may say about the
Republican nominees, they possess passion, a modicum of creativity and varying viewpoints.
They offer voters a choice.
As opposed to the stale, liberal,
straitjacket the Democrats will try to impose on us.
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