Sunday, October 27, 2024

Weak Men And Unhappy Women-- Welcome To The Democrat Party!


                        As Tucker Carlson recently noted, the Democrat Party is the party of weak men and unhappy women. And these are inextricably linked. Where there are weak men, there are unhappy women. It is the way of the world.

                       Yet, weak men and unhappy women are both bad for society, as well as themselves. Weak men cannot be deeply content, and unhappy women by definition are not.

                       Weak men typically cannot please women, whether it be in the workforce, the bedroom, or the battlefield of life.

                       Weak men do things like make the decision to leave Afghanistan without protecting American citizens or loyalists, or the rest of the Afghanis they leave behind. What’s more, they may leave billions of dollars in military equipment behind to be used against their own country later—or their allies. And, ironically, they allow the primitive tribal force to which they essentially surrendered to further oppress-- and physically abuse—women.

                       By contrast, strong men make for happy women. And a functional society.

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