Sunday, June 16, 2024

Staunch Abortion Advocate Nancy Pelosi Says Gun Control Is Needed To Protect Our Children


Former House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi recently took to Twitter ‘X’ to declare, ““No one’s political survival is more important than our children’s survival. Survivors and advocates turning pain into purpose demand an assault weapons ban. #WearOrange today and Vote Blue to defeat Republicans standing in the way of commonsense solutions to gun violence.-NP”

For some reason, she did not add, “And also Vote Blue so we can make unfettered abortion the law of the land! #killyourunbornbabytoday.-NP”

In early 2023, virtually every House Democrat voted against legislation that would have required prompt medical attention be given to babies who were born alive after an attempt was made to abort them. The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act stated that doctors would be required to care for those infants as a "reasonably diligent and conscientious health care practitioner would render to any other child born alive." Democrats would have none of it.

Pelosi virtue signaling about children’s survival is like Hitler touting the Anti-Defamation League to prioritize the survival of Jews. It’s like Mexican drug cartels launching a “Just Say No!” campaign, ala Nancy Reagan. It’s as if Dr. Fauci and Kristi Noem joined the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. It is preposterous and repulsive.

Maybe I’ll write a spoof about a fundraiser for unfettered abortion and gun control and post it on my blogsite. Oh, wait, I already did. Long ago. But, sadly, it’s not parody anymore.

In fact, it is nearly impossible to write parody today, because nothing is crazier than reality. Especially the “reality” Democrats recognize.   




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