Some lady—I could never ascertain her
name—apparently hosting on MSNBC’s “Velshi” program (“Church and State”),
recently reported that Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito was “under fire” for
a recording “in which he apparently endorsed the view that America needs to
return to a place of ‘godliness.’” (She sneered a bit when uttering the word
“godliness,” as if it made her somewhat nauseous.) She was obviously offended by
such a statement from “one of the most powerful figures in the country,” a man
who is “supposed to be impartial” and not openly embrace the idea of a “theocratic state.”
Returning to a place of “godliness”
does not necessarily mean embracing a “theocratic state,” Ms.
Whoeverthehellyouare. It was far more likely Alito meant returning to a time of
decency, dignity, respect, and the rule of law. And perhaps acknowledgement of
the Ten Commandments and The Golden Rule. You know, like not murdering others,
pooping in the street, or trying to imprison one’s political opponents. Or are
you against those “restrictions,” too? Probably.
person that I couldn’t pick out in a crowd of two, even if the other was Rachel
Maddow, then stated: “The right’s embrace of overtly Christian nationalism ideology
has been on the rise, and it’s a trend that many historians and experts have
named an existential threat to our democracy.” It has been anything but on the
rise. Attendance at Christian churches is down significantly from just a few
short years ago. Christians are openly mocked in movies, on television shows,
by comedians, etc., etc.
She then, with complete objectivity, observed
that Christian nationalists were “insurrectionists” on Jan. 6 and mockingly
noted that “they prayed in the Senate,” and “stated on video their goal
to elevate Christianity as an explicitly American principle.” And, of course,
she said they wish to propagate the “myth” that America was founded as a
Christian nation.
By God godlessness, if those
dangerous Christian insurrectionists prayed in the Senate, they should get
the electric chair, right? I’m sure she would agree, even though she is
obviously someone who values tolerance and inclusion above all else. Goes
without saying. We all know that Christianity and the Judeo-Christian work
ethic and values played absolutely no part in American exceptionalism, and had
nothing to do with our freedoms and the protections granted us by the
Constitution, right?
The presenter was similarly aghast
that “last year, a survey by the
Public Religion Research Institute found that 40% of Americans believe that our
laws should be based on Christian values.” Egads! As opposed to what, the whims
of progressives? Communists? Muslims? Those in the ruling class? Gay Capricorns
who were born on a Thursday? People like herself? Having no laws at all?
I was blissfully unaware that the Ali Velshi
show and this mystery (to me) woman existed until now-- and fervently wish I
could go back to that more pleasant state. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same
about MSNBC, as I have been painfully aware of its existence for some time.
The U.S., and much of the West, has “openly
embraced” Christianity for hundreds of years, during which these nations have
advanced the cause of human knowledge, freedom, and prosperity beyond measure. Their
inventions—medical and otherwise—have led to dramatically longer life
expectancies and more leisure time. And a substantially better quality of life,
especially for women. Conversely, most of the nations that have not embraced
Christianity have not fared as well.
It is, in fact, only very recently
that the West has lost its faith and devolved from practicing Christian nations
to hyper-secular ones. And it is no coincidence that it has simultaneously lost
its confidence, its raison d’ệtre, and its soul. Or that the rates of crime,
drug abuse, homelessness, depression, hopelessness, and suicide have
skyrocketed…as life expectancy in the U.S. has fallen for the first time
in hundreds of years.
Openly embracing unfettered abortion should
be shocking. Openly embracing the mutilation of children’s genitalia so that
they likely can never experience sexual pleasure should be shocking. Openly
asserting that there are an infinite number of sexes/genders should be
shocking. Openly embracing open borders with the many attendant horrors should
be shocking. Openly supporting the rights of criminals over the rights of
citizens should be shocking. Openly supporting the attempted
imprisonment of one’s political opponents should be shocking. Openly
supporting a return to “godliness” should not be.
We kill hundreds of thousands of
babies every year for our own convenience. There is a drag queen in nearly
every schoolroom and library. Recreational marijuana is being legalized around
the country-- and other illicit drugs in some cases. Gambling is ubiquitous. Strip
clubs and liquor stores were left open during the COVID-1984 lockdowns, but churches were not. Yet some of
those churches have homosexual priests and pastors leading their flocks and giving
sermons…and hosting Pride! events.
All this with a Republican as
president for roughly half the years of this century, at least one other branch
of government being controlled by Republicans, and with a majority of states
having Republican governors. The very last thing we have to worry about
is becoming a theocracy! The opposite is the case. And, if we ever do
become one, it will likely be a Muslim-led one where sharia law reigns.
On the other hand, our ever-burgeoning
hyper-secularism is a clear and present—indeed existential-- danger to
this formerly representative republic. It has led us to fall victim to a case
of mass cultural amnesia. And to the brink of a rapidly approaching precipice. Should
we go over that precipice, we are unlikely to ever return.
The singular difference between the
United States and all the nations that had gone before was its open, explicit
recognition of natural rights, the idea that all humans are created equal and
granted unalienable rights by their Creator. And that, therefore, governments
can’t arbitrarily and capriciously take those rights away, as has happened in virtually
all monarchical and totalitarian governments throughout history. If that is the
“godliness” that so disturbs the MSNBC talking head, so be it.
The founders did not intend for the
United States to be an overtly Christian nation, in terms of an official,
government sanctioned religion. Nor did they wish it to be a “theocratic state.”
That said, they did found the nation on certain Christian moral truths.
And they did believe that the law of God should form the basis of good—and
legitimate-- human laws.
Make no mistake: those who proclaim
their “progressiveness”-- and who disdain “godliness”—are actually regressive…and
looking to take those rights away from us.
We mustn’t let them do so.
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