Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Democrat Party: Still Evil After All These Years


The Democrat Party has been pro slavery, pro eugenics, pro-segregation (and now resegregation), and pro-abortion-- even after a baby has been born alive. And yet those in it always call Republicans “extreme.” Stupefying. As just shown, they disdain life. And they increasingly despise the First, Second, and various other amendments in the Bill of Rights. So they clearly detest liberty, as well. Those who have hatred of life and liberty are probably not big on happiness either, at least that of others. (Though their pals in the WEF say that, in the future, we will own nothing and be happy.)

Democrats have been anti-freedom since the beginning, except, to be fair, for the “freedoms” to enjoy pornography and drugs, be unemployed while having others pay for your indolence, and to enslave or kill others for your own financial benefit and/or convenience.

Polling clearly shows that American citizens don’t agree with Democrats’ policies on almost any major issue, whether from crime to border control, or from the economy to transgender “affirming care” for minors. Yet Democrats often win a majority of the popular vote in national elections, a fact that is, at minimum, “curious” and troubling.

If you ask me, and I freely admit nobody did, it is time to cut the crap once and for all. The leaders of the “Democratic” Party, and most of those residing in the swamp and the staggeringly vast deep state, are not good people. And they are certainly incompatible with a nation founded on the belief that all men are created equal and granted unalienable rights by their creator.

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Not on their watch.

It's time to throw the bums out. It’s time to make America decent again. It’s time to make America free again.




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