Joe Mathews is co-president
of the Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy, an organization “dedicated to
those active on issues of direct democracy, participation, and citizens’ rights
around the world.” He has written an article-- published in the “opinion”
section of the Ventura County (California) Star newspaper and subsequently
republished by Yahoo in its “news” section—titled "California should
abolish parenthood, in the name of equity.” Say what?
The article claims Californians believe that “equity”
is their “greatest value, which is odd, since California has a greater discrepancy
between rich and poor than any other state in the nation. (Also, equity isn’t a
“value,” it’s a noun.) However, Mathews disapprovingly
notes that parenthood prevents true equity because "fathers and
mothers with greater wealth and education are more likely to transfer these
advantages to their children, compounding privilege over generations."
Therefore, Mathews heroically posits a "solution" to this existential
threat. What is that solution you ask? It is "making raising your own children
illegal,” of course!
Mathews’ proposal calls for wealthy parents to
"trade" kids with poor families and vice versa. Mathews – who
describes himself as a dad-- even suggests that "Homeowners might swap
children with their homeless neighbors."
Yes, that would be prudent. Do the homeless have many children?
said that abolishing traditional parenthood would “help dismantle white supremacy
and outdated gender norms.” Well, it certainly helped dismantle Black families!
He noted, too, that abolishing traditional parenthood would benefit Democrats,
stating: "Democrats also would have the opportunity to build a new pillar
of the safety net — a child-raising system called 'Foster Care for All.” He
proudly proclaimed: “My proposal would merely make mandatory such handovers of
babies to the state.”
merely make mandatory such handovers of babies to the state?!” Is that all? Are
we all in agreement that Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Nadler, AOC, and Adam Schiff would
take better care of our kids than we do?
Calling for the “abolishment of parenthood” seems an
unusual and unreasonable take, as it equates to calling for the abolishment of
human beings. And would necessarily lead to societal breakdown. Which would
necessarily prompt the elites to go to even more extreme measures to control
us…”for our own good.”
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