Monday, March 9, 2015

Atlas Should Shrug

                Over 45% of Americans pay no federal income taxes. Therefore, less than 55% of Americans pay for everything. They are awarded for this staggering largess by being told they need to “pay their fair share.” Their “fair share”, one might logically surmise, would be around 55% of the federal income taxes paid, not 100%. The top 20% of income earners pay more  than  67% of all these taxes. “Progressive,” you know. They should be lauded as pillars of the community, as not only the most productive, but the most charitable and giving folks in society. Instead, they are called “greedy” by the self-same people who receive all the benefits of this mass income redistribution.
                Literally stupefying.
                If you make a lot more money than I do, have more wealth than I do, and you are made to give me a bunch of it, how is it that I could possibly get away with calling you greedy? Am I not the greedy- and sinfully ungrateful- one?!!
                Then there is the top 1%, who alone pay nearly 40% of all the federal income taxes. In a logical world, I’m sure they would love to pay “their fair share of taxes!” Instead, they are openly and arbitrarily robbed. And reviled. Eat the rich.
                The top 1% of income earners in the U.S. now pay more in taxes than the bottom 90% combined! That is one of the most amazing statistics I’ve ever heard.

                It is  truly incredible that Atlas has not yet shrugged.

                With the ever increasing and completely illogical attacks on the strong, productive and successful, the rest of us shouldn’t plan on being held aloft for much longer.

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