Tuesday, January 21, 2025

What Would Frederick Douglass And Martin Luther King Do?


True emancipation for black folks will come only when they free themselves from the ‘Democratic’ Party that formerly enslaved their bodies-- and more recently their minds and souls. Fortunately, to do this, they do not need the assistance of an Abraham Lincoln or a Ulysses S. Grant, only the conviction to act of their own free will. The decision to quit partaking in what is a barely disguised vote-for-cash-and-services scam is sadly not an easy one for a great many people of any color, though it should be. Leaving the plantation of enervation, entitlement, bitterness, indolence, and indignity requires awareness, character and integrity. And an independence of mind and spirit. Things that Frederick Douglass and Martin Luther King, Jr. possessed in abundance-- and to great effect.

If the presidential election of 2024 is any indication, perhaps, ever so slowly, the proverbial worm is turning. The growing insanity of the Democrat party and the nauseating condescension and disdain elites constantly exhibit towards those who would disagree with them-- or disobey them-- seems to have finally repulsed and awakened many in nearly every demographic group, with the possible exception of young, single, white women (A.K.A. “Karens.”)

The stunningly smug and entitled outlook of top Democrats was perfectly—if accidentally—summed up by President Biden when he told Charlamagne tha God on his popular Breakfast Club radio show: “If you have a problem figurin’ out whether you’re for me or…Trump, than you ain’t black.” Nice of the old white master to tell black folks that dare to think for themselves that they are not, in fact, black folks.

Blexit is in truth an entrance to a new world, one marked by a rebirth of freedom.

People such as Tyrus, Joe Rogan, Hotep Jesus, and Sage Steele comprise what can be essentially described as a new, if figurative Underground Railroad.

Let freedom ring.


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