Wednesday, January 15, 2025

California Burning And The Intolerable Acts


The ongoing wildfires in Southern California are mindful of Hell and are a clear and unavoidable illustration of the rank incompetence of state and local leaders. The ever-expanding homeless camps, the rising crime rates, the faltering power grid, and now the inability to douse a fire that’s been raging for a week, make it all too obvious that the erstwhile Golden State-- the Land of Milk and Honey—is morphing into a third world entity. Sad. Heartbreaking, really.

At its core, government is supposed to physically protect us and defend our freedoms. That is why governments were instituted. Today, Democrat-run governments are stripping freedoms from those whom they supposedly serve, and simultaneously exposing them to ever-growing danger. Californians pay some of the highest taxes in the nation…and are receiving next to nothing for them. Government of, by, and for the people has been replaced with government of, by, and for the government. Like a giant, ever-growing parasite, it is intent only on growing itself and reproducing itself, to hell with anything and anybody else. As the founders declared, when a government becomes abusive, “it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it.” It is the duty of Californians to do so in this instance. Empty reservoirs, dry fire hydrants, dead brush allowed to stay where it has fallen, water diverted to the ocean, fire department budgets cut…all add up to what might rightly be termed ‘Intolerable Acts.’

For his part, Donald Trump, on more than one occasion, warned Californians and their government that the state was in grave danger of suffering catastrophic fires due to insane environmental policies. He made this clear again just three months ago on the Joe Rogan Podcast.

But California’s leaders didn’t fireproof the state. They appear more concerned with Trump-proofing it…which is essentially the opposite. This inexcusable negligence resulted in a staggering loss of life and property. Face it, Californians, your leaders disdain you. Will a majority of you now have the brains and ‘courage’ to start electing conservatives again? Doubtful. Ideological Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Trump Derangement Syndrome are powerful maladies.

Looking at the bigger picture, California is, in a sense, the proverbial canary in the coal mine in terms of what happens to a polity that becomes hyper-secular. Sadly, that could also be said about much of America—and The West in general. For, as William Penn noted, “Those who will not be governed by God will be governed by tyrants.”

And some of those tyrants will begin to think they’re God. Even as they usher in the fires of Hades.

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