Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Canadians Exterminating Themselves


‘Medically-assisted dying’ accounted for an incredible 4.7% of all deaths in Canada in 2023. The BBC reported, The country’s fifth annual report since euthanasia was legalized in 2016 showed around 15,300 people underwent assisted dying last year after being successful in their applications.” The ‘Beeb’s’ report went on to say, “The vast majority” of those folks were facing a death deemed “reasonably foreseeable” due to severe medical conditions such as cancer. Reasonably foreseeable? Everyone’s death is reasonably foreseeable.

96% of those offed were white, even though those rascally Caucasians account for only about 70% of Canada’s population. So, The Great White North is getting less white over time. Maybe the previously abundant white supremacists are being overcome with existential guilt.

If I am reading and interpreting the numbers correctly, this puts medically-assisted dying up there with influenza, diabetes, alzheimers, and cirrhosis of the liver as causes of death for Canadians. And, ironically enough, above suicide—though medically-assisted dying is essentially a form of suicide.

Does medically-assisted dying now kill more Canadians every year than does cold weather, snow, and ice? Hard to believe. Canucks may be embarking on societal suicide. Or, given today’s proclivity for assisted suicide, sterilization, abortion, and trans treatments and surgeries, eventual self-extermination.

This macabre reality has come about during the anything but benevolent rule of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Thankfully, Trudeau is now roughly as popular as Lyme Disease or early onset dementia in the nation Mark Steyn has dubbed the ‘Deranged Dominion.’ (If Trudeau were to be diagnosed with early onset dementia, it may help to explain some of his heretofore inexplicable actions and comments.)

Trump (laughingly?) proposed to Trudeau that, if the latter didn’t think his country could survive a potential 25% tariff, Canada should become the 51st state of the American union, with Trudeau as its ‘governor.’ Which prompted the Babylon Bee to suggest that Trump might name the new state “Gay North Dakota.” (Canadians or Americans, many of us aren’t worthy of Trump-- or The Babylon Bee.)

Note to Canadians: Hey hosers, take a deep breath, have a bite of back bacon and a sip of Molson…and stop trying to get rid of yourselves, eh?! You are good people. You just need to be a little less tolerant.



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